Carregando vídeo... for Project Managers & Developers
Local: Studio 5 - 01/10/2020 20:00 - 01/10/2020 21:00 (Europe/Brussels) (1 hora) for Project Managers & Developers
Denis Vermylen
Python & JavaScript Developer at Odoo
Denis Vermylen
Python & JavaScript Developer at Odoo

Denis is an Engineer in Applied Mathematics. He happily joined Odoo in the R&D team as a developer over 4 years back, and he's been working on the platform since its release, 3 years ago.

What is How many staging branches do I need? How much disk space should I buy? Those are the most popular questions about, our platform dedicated to developers. This talk will explain exactly what this platform is and what needs it answers. Attendees will be given guidelines on how to use the different features of to manage their projects efficiently. We'll also see what tools are made available for developers to code and debug efficiently, followed by some best practices. We'll also show some of the new features & talk about what's to come.

Target audience: SPOC, Project Managers, Developers.
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