广州嘉雅是一家专业从事皮具生产与销售的国际贸易公司。公司在广州和意大利均设有分支机构,其中广州公司负责采购、设计和生产,意大利公司则专注于销售和品牌宣传。JAIA公司通过Odoo平台实现了跨国协同办公,充分利用多时区、多币种和多语言功能,成功实现了跨国进销存及财务一体化管理。 Guangzhou JAIA is an international trading company specializing in the production and sales of leather goods. The company has branches in Guangzhou and Italy, where the Guangzhou company is responsible for sourcing, design and production, while the Italian company focuses on sales and brand promotion.JAIA realizes cross-border collaborative work through the Odoo platform, making full use of multi-time zone, multi-currency and multi-language functions, and successfully realizes cross-border integrated management of purchase, sales, inventory and finance. |