Via laurea, UAB
Via laurea is a leading Odoo partner in Lithuania, holding over 10 years of experience in the industry. With our extensive knowledge and expertise, we are well-suited to supporting both local and international businesses with their unique needs.
We are proud of our ambitious and highly experienced team of certified Odoo specialists, who are ready to take on even the most challenging projects. Our services include Odoo implementation, development, training, and maintenance.
We also offer leading Odoo Accounting solutions in Lithuania, having developed our own modules for local accounting needs: Accounting "LT VAS", Inventory Accounting, Payroll, GPAIS, SAF-T, Intrastat, iSAF, and others. Our dedicated team of accounting and payroll consultants ensure top quality of services for our clients.
Trust and transparency are Via laurea's key values, which is why we build our client relationships on full honesty. Our primary mission — to help Your company grow with the best business management solutions!
UAB “Via laurea” turi daugiau nei 10 metų darbo su Odoo projektais patirties. Dėka sukauptų žinių, mes esame pasiruošę padėti tiek vietinėms, tiek tarptautinėms įmonėms rasti tinkamiausius verslo valdymo sprendimus jų individualiems poreikiams.
Įmonėje dirba ambicinga, sertifikuotų specialistų komanda, pasirengusi įgyvendinti net ir pačius sudėtingiausius iššūkius. Mes diegiame, vystome, organizuojame apmokymus ir teikiame Odoo sistemos priežiūrą įvairaus dydžio ir pramonės šakų įmonėms.
Taip pat siūlome ir pirmaujančius Odoo Apskaitos sprendimus Lietuvos rinkai. Turime sukūrę lokalizuotus modulius, pilnai atitinkančius LT apskaitos poreikius: LT "VAS" Apskaita, Darbo Užmokestis, GPAIS, SAF-T, Intrastat, iSAF ir kt. O mūsų specializuota apskaitos ir darbo užmokesčio ekspertų komanda užtikrina aukščiausią paslaugų kokybę mūsų klientams.
Skaidrumas ir abipusis pasitikėjimas yra pagrindinės Via laurea vertybės, kuriomis remiamės ir vystydami santykius su klientais. Mūsų tikslas — padėti Jūsų verslui augti su geriausiais sprendimais!
Via laurea modules | Via laurea moduliai
"ALTAS IT" Ltd. belongs to the "ALTAS" company group - the leader in vehicle equipment and security solutions industry. "ALTAS IT" is one of the first companies to introduce innovative technologies for transport and IP video surveillance in Lithuania.
Arboristas Renatas, UAB has been specializing in the care of old garden and park trees since 2004. The company’s expertise originates from training at the “Solvik” school in Sweden and is continuously enhanced through participation in international arboriculture seminars. As a member of the Lithuanian Arborists Association, it ensures high standards and certified professionals. Their services include tree pruning, habitat analysis, and consultations, with a strong focus on sustainability and environmental care.
18 000 m² gamybos ir sandėliavimo patalpose yra surinkimo ir metalo apdirbimo padaliniai. Surinkimo padalinys Tilžės gatvėje turi 19 pusiau automatizuotų gamybos linijų, o metalo padalinys Liejyklos gatvėje yra aprūpintas visa reikalinga metalo apdirbimo įranga – lazerinėmis ir plazminėmis pjovimo staklėmis, lenkimo mašinomis, kvalifikuotais suvirintojais ir kt.
Artilux NMF gamina buitinius šviestuvus, mažus elektros prietaisus, išmaniuosius įrenginius, elektros saugiklius ir skydus, pašto dėžutes bei įvairius pramoninius metalo gaminius.
"Artilux NMF" is a joint Swedish – Lithuanian production and assembly company offering vertical integration of plastic injection molding, metal processing and assembly, followed by technical and design capabilities, manufacturing know-how, supply chain insights and project management expertise.
18,000 m2 production and storage facilities include assembly and metal processing units. The assembly unit in Tilžės str. has 19 semi-automated production lines, and the metal division in Liejyklos str. is equipped with all the necessary equipment for metal processing - laser and plasma cutting machines, bending machines, skilled welders, etc.
Artilux NMF manufactures common household luminaires, small electric appliances, smart devices, electric fuses and panels, mailboxes, as well as various industrial metal products.
Vilniuje nuo 1946 m. veikianti gamykla šiuo metu yra didžiausia ir viena moderniausių baldinių ir dekoratyvinių audinių gamintojų Vidurio ir Rytų Europoje. Bendrovėje dirba virš 150 darbuotojų – pažangios tekstilės sektoriaus profesionalų ir vadovų komanda. „Audėjas“ veiklą vysto pasauliniu mastu.
UAB "Audėjas" is a renowned company worldwide. The main activities of the company are the production of upholstery and decorative fabrics.
Operating in Vilnius since 1946, the factory is currently the largest and one of the most modern manufacturers of upholstery and decorative fabrics in Central and Eastern Europe. The company employs over 150 employees – a team of advanced professionals and leaders in the textile sector. "Audėjas" is carrying out its activities on a global scale.
Car and their parts wrapping with colored and protective film using the highest quality PPF films.
Veiklos sritys:
- Transporto paslaugos;
- Logistikos paslaugos;
- Perkraustymas;
- Sandėliavimas.
"Baltic Shipping Centre" is a cargo transportation service provider operating in Lithuania since 2004.
Fields of activity:
- Transportation services;
- Logistics services;
- Relocation services;
- Warehousing.
Įkurta 1997 m., ši įmonė teikia platų logistikos paslaugų spektrą visame pasaulyje. Kokybės Vadybos Sistema (KVS) atitinka ISO 9001:2015 standarto reikalavimus. Sertifikavimo sritis: krovinių pervežimas, laivų nuoma ir agentūros paslaugos.
„Baltic Shipping“ is one of the leading companies in freight forwarding and ship agency services in the Baltic States and the CIS.
Founded in 1997, the company provides a wide range of logistics services worldwide. Quality Management System (QMS) complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 standard. Scope of Certification: freight forwarding, ship chartering and agency services.
Siūlomos paslaugos:
- Kibernetinis saugumas;
- Debesų kompiuterija;
- Skaitmeninė rinkodara;
- IT sistemų priežiūra;
- Monitoringas;
- Programavimas ir automatizacija;
- Kompiuterinio tinklo projektavimas ir diegimas;
- Individualūs sprendimai.
A young and ambitious team offering a range of IT services, aiming to create added value for your business.
Services offered include:
- Cybersecurity;
- Cloud computing;
- Digital marketing;
- IT system maintenance;
- Monitoring;
- Programming and automation;
- Computer network design and implementation;
- Custom solutions.
Tai moderni bei dinamiška įmonė, turinti 5000 m² ploto įrenginių ir jau du dešimtmečius klestinčią patirtį gaminant aukštos kokybės gaminius taikant pažangias technologijas.
UAB „Duguva” siūlo: elektrinius aptvarus, pintas, suktas bei megztas virves, austas juostas bei špagatus. Įmonės gaminama produkcija yra gerai žinoma ne tik Lietuvoje , bet sėkmingai yra eksportuojama į 18 viso pasaulio šalių. Produkcija yra plačiai naudojama daugelyje sričių – namų bei žemės ūkyje, žvejyboje, laivininkystėje, statybose, apdailai, transporto, sporto, turizmo įrangai ir kitur.
UAB "Duguva" is a Lithuanian capital company, established in 1998.
Today, it is a modern dynamic company with 5000 m² of facilities and with two decades of prosperous experience in the use of high quality equipment and applying modern technologies. The high-quality products are well-known and appreciated not only in Lithuania, but also in other countries.
The company pays special attention to the quality and functionality of their products. The products are used in shipping and building industry, glass production, in fishery, for agriculture and gardening, in heavy and light industry, in transport, sports and tourism equipment as well as for the variety of household purposes and other applications.
UAB „EMPL“ veiklos kryptis – kokybiško sertifikuoto specialaus popieriaus tiekimas Baltijos ir Rytų Europos regiono įmonėms. Ji siūlo itin platų produkcijos asortimentą – nuo įvairioms pramonės sritims (maisto, medicinos, tabako) skirto filtrinio popieriaus iki popieriaus pašto ženklų gamybai. Be specialaus popieriaus, įmonė taip pat prekiauja specifine pakavimo įranga: arbatos filtrinių pakelių formavimo įrenginiais ir banderoliavimo įrenginiais grupinėms pakuotėms rišti, popierinėmis ir plastikinėmis pakavimo juostomis, skirtomis šiems įrenginiams.
JSC "EMPL" started its activity in 2008 and is specializing in the supply of specialty papers and materials.
JSC "EMPL" focuses on the supply of high quality certified specialty papers to the Baltic and Eastern European companies. It offers a very wide range of products - from industrial sectors (food, medical, tobacco) to filter paper and postal paper to the production of stamps.
In addition to specialty papers, the company also sells specific packaging equipment such as tea filter paper, tea filter paper and paperboard.
The company also offers specialized equipment for tea packet formers and banding machines for group packaging, paper and plastic packaging tapes for these machines.
Autorizuotas Thermo King servisas, įskaitant:
- Specializuotos remonto dirbtuvės bei aptarnavimo tinklas Lietuvoje klientui reikiamu metu.
- UAB EVA King profesionalūs, Thermo King sertifikuoti mechanikai gali garantuoti kokybišką šaldymo įrangos priežiūrą ir puikią techninę būklę.
- Skubi ir operatyvi pagalba visoje Europoje. Kliento šaldymo įrangos remonto užsienyje organizavimas, nukreipimas į artimiausią Thermo King servisą Europoje visa parą.
UAB EVA King, since 1997, has been the sole official representative and authorized service provider of "Thermo King" refrigeration equipment in Lithuania. The company specializes in the production and repair of refrigeration equipment and isotherms for commercial vehicles, trucks, and semi-trailers. It has divisions in Vilnius, Klaipėda, and Šiauliai.
Authorized Thermo King service, including:
- Specialized repair workshops and a service network in Lithuania available when needed by the client.
- UAB EVA King's professional, Thermo King certified mechanics can guarantee high-quality maintenance of refrigeration equipment and excellent technical condition.
- Urgent and prompt assistance throughout Europe. Organization of client's refrigeration equipment repair abroad, directing to the nearest Thermo King service in Europe around the clock.
"Eligita" provides a wide range of ingredients for various industries such as beverage, food and pharmaceutical. Their business strategy is based not only on the sale of high-quality products but also on comprehensive technological support. "Eligita" aims to offer top quality raw materials as well as be a trusted partner in the development and adaptation of innovative recipes.
The company is involved in wholesale and retail of professional equipment, needed for various water bodies - ponds, pools, fountains, and aquariums, as well as for large fishery farms (fish farming in ponds and closed recirculation systems). It supplies professional PVC pipes, fittings, biological and mechanical filtration and aeration equipment. The company provides professional equipment not only for fish farming but also for processing, storage and freezing.
Veiklos kryptys:
- Gruntas-vanduo šilumos siurblių gamyba;
- Šilumos siurblių, kondicionierių, šaldymo ir šilumos atgavimo įrenginių remonto paslaugos;
- Profilaktinė šilumos siurblių priežiūra.
UAB "IGLU TECH" – a manufacturer of geothermal heat pumps creating reliable, sustainable, and innovative products, and providing professional repair and maintenance services.
The company's activities include:
- Ground-water heat pump production;
- Repair services for heat pumps, air conditioners, refrigeration, and heat recovery units;
- Preventative maintenance of heat pumps.
InoWood prisideda prie gamtos saugojimo bei išteklių naudojimo, nes bio kompozito gaminiai – tvari alternatyva natūraliai medienai.
Įmonė naudoja atsinaujinančius energijos šaltinius ir juos integruoja į kiekvieną projektą, kuriuo nuosekliai rūpinasi nuo pradžios iki pabaigos.
UAB Intervilža manufactures innovative biocomposite profiles InoWood, develops their application in construction innovations and building design, and designs and engineers modern biocomposite systems.
InoWood contributes to the preservation of nature and resource use as biocomposite products are a sustainable alternative to natural wood.
The company utilizes renewable energy sources and integrates them into every project, meticulously managed from start to finish.
UAB "Inžinerinis projektavimas" are specialists in civil, environmental, and infrastructure engineering. The company's services also include engineering research, project management and administration, road and street design, hydrotechnical structure design, reclamation structures design, water supply and sewage network design, environmental protection engineering solutions, hydrologicals, hydraulic calculations, flood research, calculations, bathymetric measurements...
LBAA veiklos sritys, kurios nuo šiol įgyvendinamos išnaudojant puikias Odoo galimybes:
- Komunikacija su organizacijos nariais;
- Socialinių tinklų administravimas;
- Naujų narių pritraukimas;
- Vidinių procesų (veiklos) organizavimas;
- Mokymo kursų organizavimas;
- Aktualių dokumentų rinkinių pardavimas, prenumerata, administravimas;
- Savitarnos portalas esamiems nariams.
Lithuanian Association of Accountants and Auditors is the largest professional association uniting accountants and auditors in Lithuania.
LBAA's activities, now implemented using the excellent capabilities of Odoo, include:
- Communication with organization members;
- Social media administration;
- Recruitment of new members;
- Organization of internal processes (activities);
- Organization of training courses;
- Sales, subscription, administration of relevant document collections;
- Self-service portal for existing members.
"Linartika" main activities are laundry and dry cleaning. With four reception points and a modern laundry facility in Klaipėda, the company continues to develop its service network, aiming to be closer to customers and promptly meet their needs. The company constantly strives to update its laundry and clothing cleaning technologies. It also digitalizes process management, accounting, and customer service. To achieve this, the company is using the most advanced laundry, ironing technologies and, of course, the business management system Odoo.
Aktyvaus ekstremalaus laisvalaikio organizavimas. Laipiojimo uolomis salė, sienelės. Ekstremalūs atrakcionai. Laipiojimo kursai, alpinizmo kursai. Nuotykinio turizmo organizavimas. Alpinistinė ir aukštalipių įranga, kelioninė avalynė - prekyba.
Organization, specializing in active extreme leisure activities. Rock climbing gym, climbing walls. Extreme attractions. Climbing courses, mountaineering courses. Adventure tourism organization. Sales of mountaineering, high-altitude equipment and travel footwear.
"OMG Bubble Tea" is a rapidly growing natural bubble tea manufacturer founded in 2022, exporting about 95% of its production to France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Austria, and other countries. The company is a growing startup, and the product developed by the company is aimed at children and young people, creating a product that evokes good emotions.
Offerens, UAB provides accounting services to small and medium-sized Lithuanian companies and foreign branches in Lithuania, in accordance with Business Accounting Standards (VAS) and Lithuanian Financial Reporting Standards (LFAS) for MB, UAB, VŠĮ. The company researches and advises on HRM models as well as develops systems for business analysis.
OpenServis is the sole partner of Unify (formerly Siemens Enterprise Communications) communication systems in Lithuania, meeting all qualification requirements. Therefore, the company offers the highest quality services for Unify openScape, Siemens HiPath, Hicom systems at the most affordable prices in Lithuania.
OXYGEN siekia sulaužyti rinkos stereotipus ir pasiūlyti pranašesnę alternatyvą: efektyviau, kompaktiškiau, išmaniau. Įkvėpti ambicingos Europos Komisijos parengtos tvaraus ekonomikos augimo strategijos, Europos žaliojo kurso, kartu su KTU universiteto komanda sukūrė kompaktišką, paprastai sumontuojamą ir lengvai naudojamą rekuperatorių, valdomą unikalaus energiją taupančio algoritmo.
Lietuvoje gaminami vėdinimo įrenginiai yra pardavinėjami ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir Europos Sąjungoje.
OXYGEN specialise in developing and manufacturing of advanced Lithuanian ventilation systems. The company's mission - to ensure a healthy microclimate in every home.
OXYGEN aims to break market stereotypes and offer a superior alternative: smarter, more efficient and more compact products. Inspired by the European Commission’s ambitious strategy for sustainable economic growth, the European Green Deal, together with the KTU University team, OXYGEN has developed a compact, easy-to-install and easy-to-use heat recovery unit, controlled by a unique energy-saving algorithm.
The ventilation units, which are made in Lithuania, are sold not only in Lithuania but also across the European Union.
PPF Stamp is a manufacturing company offering solutions when it comes to foils, tools for stamping & embossing and accessories for stamping & embossing.
UAB Plastiksė is one of the leading companies manufacturing and supplying PET products for the beverage, food, cosmetics, chemical, and medical industries worldwide. The company's main goal is to maintain a high level of commitment to its clients, serving a broad range of customers from small individual companies to the largest global organizations.
Visiems klientams užtikrinamas aukščiausio lygio aptarnavimas.
UAB "RM tools" is one of the largest suppliers of work tools in the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia), offering a wide range of mechanical and electrical tools. It represents the best global manufacturers' brands. Since 2013, the company has been also offering tools under the "Specialist+" brand, distinguished by high quality and attractive prices. Products distributed by "RM TOOLS" can be found in all tool stores and construction material trade centers.
All customers are guaranteed the highest level of service.
UAB „Resursas“ yra sertifikuota projektų valdymo ir generalinės mechaninių darbų rangos įmonė. Įmonės kolektyvą sudaro tiek mechaninių darbų specialistai, tiek inžinieriai, kokybės, sveikatos, darbų saugos, aplinkosaugos, projektų administravimo ir įgyvendinimo vadovai.
Resursas is a certified project management and general mechanical contracting company. The company's staff consists of both mechanical specialists and engineers, as well as quality, health, occupational safety, environmental, project administration and implementation managers.
Įmonės baseinų gamykla per metus pagamina daugiau nei 700 baseinų, kurie parduodami per platintojų tinklą visoje Europoje, taip pat Rytuose ir Artimuosiuose Rytuose. Šiandien šiais baseinais džiaugiasi daugiau nei 10 000 laimingų klientų.
"Rhino Pools" is a subsidiary company belonging to a larger corporate group working with fiberglass since 1998.
The company's pool factory produces over 700 pools annually, sold through a distributor network throughout Europe, as well as in the East and the Middle East. Today, over 10,000 happy customers enjoy the company's pools.
"SDG" is a consulting and training company specializing in occupational safety and health, occupational health, employee training, engineering services, management systems (ISO) implementation, energy, fire, and civil safety, environmental protection, and labor law.
"SSF" is a reliable supplier of hot tub parts. The company manufactures certified high-quality heaters and shells from stainless steel, and a wide range of whirlpool tub corpuses, suitable for all heater configurations.
"SOLEMLUX" is one of the fastest-growing companies in Lithuania, selling and manufacturing innovative, top-quality products for solar control on your premises. We care about your comfort both at home and in the office.
Totem - tai unikali prototipavimo ir robotikos konstravimo platforma, skirta kūrėjų (angl. makers) bendruomenei, bei Arduino ir Raspberry Pi entuziastams.
Totem skirtas visų lygių kūrėjams - konstruotojams (angl. makers, DIYers) - tai lengvai suprantama, vartotojui draugiška sistema. Lengvai sukonstruosite, suprogramuosite ir įgalinsite veikti net sudėtingiausius modelius.
Totem sistemos paskirtis:
- robotikos konstravimui;
- struktūros elektronikai;
- prototipų kūrimui.
"Totem Technology" belongs to the "Otterlei Group" AS, a Norwegian corporate group.
Totem is a unique prototyping and robotics construction platform designed for the makers community and Arduino or Raspberry Pi enthusiasts.
Totem is for creators (DIYers) of all levels - it's an easily understandable, user-friendly system. You can easily construct, program, and enable even the most complex models.
Totem system is intended for:
- robotics construction;
- structural electronics;
- prototyping.
Founded in 2016, the company specializes in the retail and wholesale of fruits and vegetables.
DABALTA IR KO are the official representatives of high quality and the most advanced technology manufacturers in the sewing industry - DÜRKOPP ADLER, VEIT, BRISAY, Kannegieser, STROBEL, PEGASUS, KURIS, ARDMEL, and others. Founded in 1990, the company is growing every year, with new manufacturers regularly joining the company. DABALTA IR KO operates in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. The company is also an official representative of ENERGICA electric motorcycles in Lithuania, offering consultations and services to those looking to purchase an electric vehicle.
The company manufactures promotional packaging, paper and polyethene bags, cardboard boxes, branded office supplies, binders.
"terra infrastructure" is a specialized supplier and manufacturer of construction equipment and materials, and part of thyssenkrupp AG - one of the world's largest metal producers, with 670 branches and a turnover of 35 billion EUR (as of 2018). Whether it’s about mobility, urbanization, climate change or resource efficiency: As a leading supplier of civil, marine and foundation engineering solutions, "terra infrastructure" covers the full range of services for global infrastructure projects. Their product portfolio can be clearly divided into three different areas: Steel sections, machinery and trench shoring. terra infrastructure brand values: Reliable and safe, solution-oriented, innovative, sustainable.