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Odoo controlled accounting process
Customer Success Story Community Talk
Lokacja: Ambassador - 10.11.2023, 13:30 - 10.11.2023, 14:00 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minut)
usman iqbal
Senior accountant
usman iqbal
Senior accountant

I am a Professional accountant and I have more than 10 years of experience in difference field such as audit, bookkeeper, and financial analyst.
I have been using Odoo ERP for the last 3 years and I worked with Odoo developers for the implementation of Odoo ERP in manufacturing concerns.

I want to talk about some features of Odoo, such as deferred expenses, and depreciation models.
Secondly, I want to talk about features of manufacturing in which we can track our work in progress, finished goods, and related costs of production.Additionally, Feature of evaluation of production performance helps us to estimate future jobs time periods.
The third feature of HR which once again link with accounting transactions. We configured our biometric machine with odoo erp. It almost automated the whole HR process for an example timesheet , payroll, annaul leave, etc.
Fourthly , I Purchase module which we use for purchase of stock. I think the distinguish feature is lot/serial number which is really important to us as importer of wood. We had label printing machine which we use to print the lot number of each logs and steple it. It help us to track our stock by RIFD. We had 3 different location where we tranfer our material. So our inventory controller use RIFD function for reciept and internal transfer