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Odoo Point of Sale : presentation of Connect+ project
Customer Success Story Demo
Lokacja: Studio 4 - 07.10.2021, 14:30 - 07.10.2021, 15:00 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minut)
Odoo Point of Sale : presentation of Connect+ project
Cédric Thiry
Business Analyst w Odoo
Cédric Thiry
Business Analyst w Odoo

Having graduated with a Master's Degree in Economics, Cédric started his career in 2012 as a Business Analyst in the banking sector. While pursuing a Complementary Master Degree in Computer Science, he turned his focus to the ERP industry and implemented a number of solutions for SMEs from various sectors. He joined Odoo in 2019, aiming to bring his experience on large financial and technical projects.

Connect+ is a central procurement that involves more than 500 shops specialized in electronic and electrical. Discover how Odoo faced this challenge while revolutionizing the full processes with the Point of Sale and the related apps.