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How Odoo Challenges the Status Quo of Business Software
Business Functional Workshop
Lokacja: Studio 3 - 06.10.2021, 19:00 - 06.10.2021, 19:30 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minut)
How Odoo Challenges the Status Quo of Business Software
Nils Van Oosten
Team Leader Partner Enablement w Odoo
Nils Van Oosten
Team Leader Partner Enablement w Odoo

Nils started at Odoo in 2015, as part of the Direct sales team, during the creation of the Odoo office in Belgium, when the team was composed of only 10 people. Today, this same team is comprised of nearly 80 people!

During the fast growth, and many adjustments over the past years, he grew with the company and helped define the way the Odoo solution is best proposed to end-customers. Nils was a pivotal part of the Direct Sales team and Account management team, which he helped grow and adopt the customer approach. And he's always worked from the Belgian office.

Today, Nils is active with the Account Managers that are focusing on "Partner Enablement," allowing new partners to be guided correctly during the early stages of their Odoo journey. This increases the partner networks' quality by assisting the partners intensively.

Odoo's business solution is like no other on the market. It's efficient, user-friendly, and incredibly intuitive. But, those aren't the only reasons why Odoo is beloved by its users.

During this talk, we'll go beyond the product, and discuss what makes Odoo the biggest game-changer in the Business Software / ERP market. 

Odoo is so influential, other software vendors are reviewing their business models to replicate Odoo's success.

We truly redefine the status quo.

That's why Odoo is so popular with the vast majority of the workforce - it can do everything!


What decision-making strategy has Odoo used for years? (Presented by FP in 2016)
How many apps are in the App Store? (Seen on the screenshot)