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Deploying & Scaling your Odoo Server
Lokacja: Studio 5 - 01.10.2020, 16:30 - 01.10.2020, 17:00 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minut)
Deploying & Scaling your Odoo Server
Nicolas Seinlet
Python & Javascript Developer
Nicolas Seinlet
Python & Javascript Developer

Nicolas is an Experienced Software Developer, member of the Professional Service and the R&D department, an issues performance specialist, and a PostgreSQL enthusiast.

Would you like yo deploy Odoo but do not know how to do it, which software to use? Then, this talk is for you!

You will learn about how to install Odoo on one or multiple servers, or how to have multiples databases deployed in one server. Also, learn how to size your server and which are some of the common pitfalls.


Is a web server mandatory in front of Odoo?