Inventory: routes going more flexible
Matthew RwasengeWykonano
What's New in Inventory?
Joshua Graham (grjo)Wykonano
Manage Pickings with Odoo Barcode
Ned McGrath (nemg)Wykonano
Inventory: Costing and valuation
Adam HackerWykonano
Fleet & Inventory: Dispatch management system with 3rd-party logistics
Alexander Leigh (alei)Wykonano
CRM and Inventory: explore new price lists & sales form
Samantha Morgan (samo)Wykonano
Organize your work in batches
Colleen BenackWykonano
Field Service Operations: Integrating Truck Stock with Warehouse Inventory and Replenishment
Fabiana CartaWykonano
AI-Powered Inventory Management with Odoo for Automation Excellence
Maharshi PancholiWykonano
An Implementation Journey - Retail & Wholesale Working Together
Chris ArcherWykonano
Replenishment & Advanced Routes
Supply Chain Day
Lokacja: Terrace Ballroom
22.08.2024, 11:30
22.08.2024, 12:00
(30 minut)
Anika Weeks
Business Systems Analyst
w Odoo Inc.
Anika Weeks
Business Systems Analyst
w Odoo Inc.
Odoo’s advanced route options allows users to meet their needs for complex inventory management and replenishment
Key Highlights:
- Replenishing 1 warehouse from another
- Taking from Stock if products are available and replenishing if not
- Push Routes