Streamlining Processes: Simplify, Automate, and Sign with Odoo Sign
Maximilian Moslow (mmos)Wykonano
There and Back Again - Navigating pandemics, scale-ups, downsizing, and more with Odoo
Brian JacksonWykonano
Odoo.sh Countinuous Integration
Sean Murray (semu)Wykonano
Time-Off Management
Lara Star Martini (larm)Wykonano
Unveiling the Magic of Fine-Grained Reactivity in Owl 2
Samuel Degueldre (sad)Wykonano
Discover How Odoo Helps you Streamline your Recruitment Processes
Julia Niedziela (juni)Wykonano
Why Kiosk Group Chose Odoo 17 Over NetSuite
Cecilie BarretoWykonano
Advanced Odoo Studio
Emily Jaworski (emja)Wykonano
Efficiently Managing the Repair Process with Odoo
Tyler Jones (tyjo)Wykonano
Introduction to Odoo Module Development
Adam Russell (adru)Wykonano
Performance Optimization
Lokacja: Second Floor - Hall 2
23.08.2024, 12:30
23.08.2024, 13:00
(30 minut)
Lars Gartenberg (laga)
Full Stack Engineer
w Odoo Inc.
Lars Gartenberg (laga)
Full Stack Engineer
w Odoo Inc.