Discover How Odoo Helps you Streamline your Recruitment Processes
Julia Niedziela (juni)Wykonano
There and Back Again - Navigating pandemics, scale-ups, downsizing, and more with Odoo
Brian JacksonWykonano
Enhancing the Customer Experience by Solving Challenging eCommerce Workflows
Kaylie KipeWykonano
Creating Custom Reports with Odoo Studio
Michael Licata (mili)Wykonano
Advanced Odoo Studio
Emily Jaworski (emja)Wykonano
Efficiently Managing the Repair Process with Odoo
Tyler Jones (tyjo)Wykonano
Odoo.sh Countinuous Integration
Sean Murray (semu)Wykonano
Odoo Upgrades: Large Scale Enterprise Database Migration
Rajat GuptaWykonano
Bernadette Goodwin (bego)Wykonano
Performance Optimization
Lars Gartenberg (laga)Wykonano
Introduction to Odoo Module Development
Lokacja: Second Floor - Hall 2
23.08.2024, 09:30
23.08.2024, 10:00
(30 minut)
Adam Russell (adru)
Full Stack Engineer
w Odoo Inc.
Adam Russell (adru)
Full Stack Engineer
w Odoo Inc.
A crash-course in writing your own Custom Odoo Module! In this talk, we’ll discuss when a custom module is necessary, what you’ll need to know, and how to start. We’ll end with a live coding session where we’ll discuss a business case, and implement a custom module in real time to solve that problem.
Objective: Learn and understand how to develop your own custom modules. Or, more importantly, get started on the process to creating your own custom modules.