2 Плюс България АД
2 Plus Bulgaria AD is a provider of technologies and services, which it adapts and implements using an individual approach to each client. Using a wide range of high-tech solutions and the acquired experience of their team, they guarantee solutions that are skillfully designed and professionally integrated. ITEX Bulgaria helps the team of 2 Plus Bulgaria AD in the project of implementation of Odoo and is doing the necessary local support. Naukowy3Dee Store OG
A 3Dee 2013 júliusa óta kínál teljes körű szolgáltatást 3D nyomtatás terén, épp úgy privát, mint professzionális területeken. 2013 októberében megnyitották Bécs belvárosában Közép-Európa első 3D nyomtató szaküzletét, ahol a saját szoftveren alapuló bérnyomtatás és 3D scannelés mellett már több márkás, európai készüléket is megvásárolhattak ügyfeleik. 2014 októberében megnyitották budapesti üzletüket is. Naukowy3F Bio Limited
3F BIO is a biotechnology company that addresses the global need for sustainable high-quality food protein. It utilises a patented zero waste process to produce high quality food grade protein, ABUNDA mycoprotein using natural fermentation that is environmentally and economically sustainable. Naukowy4Business Oy
4Business is a consulting firm specializing in modern office technology and the planning and execution of facility projects. The company offers presentation technology, remote meeting, space booking, and sensing solutions for businesses. 4Business aims to alleviate workplace challenges and support objectives through intelligent technology.Naukowy
4Tune Engineering, Lda
PT:Sector de atividade: Engenharia de produto e processo
Localização: Lisboa (Portugal) e São Paulo (Brasil)
Fundada em 2004 e com escritórios em Lisboa (Portugal) e São Paulo (Brasil), a 4TE desenvolve soluções de TI de última geração para atender à cultura, especificações de requisitos de utilizador, exigências regulamentares e ecossistema de TI da indústria farmacêutica que garante aos clientes que as soluções estão prontas para implementação e validação. Com experiência em Gestão de Risco de Qualidade venceu um Prémio Internacional em 2017, 2019 e 2020 com a plataforma iRISK ™ Platform (www.iRISK.com).
4Tune Engineering nasceu quando o Prof. José C. Menezes (PhD) percebeu que as empresas farmacêuticas e biofarmacêuticas precisavam de uma nova abordagem às Ciências e Tecnologias de Fabrico.
Desde então, desenvolveram a sua experiência em Sistemas e Engenharia de Processos, Qualidade e Gestão de Riscos, assumiram inúmeros desafios em algumas das principais indústrias e desenvolveram plataformas proprietárias para a Otimização de Desempenho.
Activity sector: Product and process engineering
Location: Lisbon (Portugal) and São Paulo (Brazil)
Founded in 2004 and with offices in Lisbon (Portugal) and São Paulo (Brazil), 4TE develops cutting-edge IT solutions to suit the culture, user requirements specifications, regulatory demands and IT ecosystem of the pharmaceutical industry that guarantees to customers that the solutions are ready for implementation and validation. With expertise in Quality Risk Management they won an International Award in 2017, 2019 and 2020 with the iRISK™ Platform (www.iRISK.com).
4Tune Engineering was born when Prof. José C. Menezes (PhD), realized that pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies needed a new approach to the Science and Technologies of Manufacturing.
Since then, they have developed their expertise in Systems and Process Engineering, Quality and Risk Management, we have taken on numerous challenges in some of the main industries and developed proprietary platforms for Performance Optimization. Naukowy
9T Labs AG
High-tech, Manufacturing | Odoo v15Main Odoo Apps: Purchases, Inventory, Projects, Approvals, Studio
Founded in 2018 in Zürich by a team of pioneers, the company aspires to mass-produce high-performance composites as easily as metals, by automating and digitizing the production workflow of composite production. Naukowy
a-ULaB est un laboratoire spécialisé dans la recherche et l'identification de fibres d’amiante dans les matériaux et l’air. Cette spin-off de l’Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) et de l’Hôpital Erasme créée en 2011 est le résultat de la rencontre entre le monde médical et le secteur du bâtiment. Elle bénéficie du support de la SCA Theodorus, organe d’investissement de l’ULB ayant pour but de faciliter le transfert des innovations et savoir-faire développés en recherche vers les entreprises.a-ULaB réalise des prestations au bénéfice des bureaux d’études spécialisés dans le diagnostic amiante dans les bâtiments des pouvoirs publics, des services internes de prévention et protection des entreprises des particuliers et des sociétés agréées de désamiantage.
Modules utilisés : LIMS, Sales, Invoicing, Website, Project, Timesheets, Maintenance, Studio
Sur Odoo depuis 2022
A.G.F. Trading & Engineering Ltd
AGF Trading & Engineering is a company with its main focus being to enable healthcare providers to increase value by empowering them on their journey towards expanding precision medicine, improving care delivery, and patient experience facilitated by pioneer technology, superior quality and reliability.AGF wanted the capability to monitor and administrate every day's workloads and actions, especially with their field service teams that provide support and maintenance to its customer locations. Using Odoo, ePlan Consultants implemented the capability to have their field service engineers complete their service reports electronically (using their mobile phones or tablets) and have them automatically logged in Odoo with further capabilities, such as project management, help-desk/ticket management/ticketing system and reporting.
ABB Secheron - Hitachi Intervention
ABB/Hitachi est un leader des technologies de pointe au service de ses clients dans les utilités, l'industrie, le transport et les infrastructures. Sa marque Hitachi Intervention gère les interventions sur site en prestation externe.Nous avons développé pour eux un outil pour gérer les interventions sur site en prestation externe, les affecter aux opérateurs et rédiger et faire signer rapidement le compte rendu d’intervention par les clients. Naukowy
Acftperfo provides an obstacle database to airways companies. We helped them implement a high-quality customer service system with Helpdesk, Project and Website apps. We finetuned the tasks funnel with some automations in order to improve the followup of customer feedback in tasks. NaukowyADGI Solitons
Industry: IT & TelecommunicationSector: System Consultation and Hardware Supplies
Adgi Solutions specializes in system consultation, design, development, and hardware supplies in Saudi Arabia, offering comprehensive solutions for both software and hardware needs. They faced difficulties managing sales transactions and processes across different departments and required a system that could consolidate all operations under one integrated platform. Partnering with Azkatech, an Odoo Gold Partner, they implemented a robust Odoo ERP system, incorporating Sales, Purchase, Accounting, Invoicing, Project, Studio, and Approvals modules. This centralized solution streamlined operations, enabled comprehensive departmental reporting, and significantly enhanced efficiency and operational effectiveness, supporting Adgi Solutions' growth.
ADLATUS Robotics GmbH
Die Digitalisierung und Globalisierung treibt den Wandel im Dienstleistungsbereich des Facility Managements voran und fordert von den Unternehmen neue Produkte und Lösungen. ADLATUS unterstützt diesen Wandel mit der Entwicklung autonomer Serviceroboter für den professionellen Einsatz. NaukowyADMG ApS
ADMG er specialiseret i digital fremstilling, der tilbyder løsninger som 3D-simulering for hele livscyklussen af digital fremstilling og realistisk 3D-simulation af CNC-maskiner med nøjagtig kollisionsdetektion. De leverer tjenester som installation, træning, on-site assistance og optimering, der dækker områder som mekanisk/elektrisk, PDM/PLM, additiv fremstilling og mere. Deres vision er at forbedre den skandinaviske fremstillings konkurrenceevne gennem digital fremstilling.ADMG specializes in digital manufacturing, offering solutions like 3D-simulation for the entire lifecycle of digital manufacturing and realistic 3D simulation of CNC machines with accurate collision-detection. They provide services including installation, training, on-site assistance, and optimization, covering areas such as mechanical/electrical, PDM/PLM, additive manufacturing, and more. Their vision is to enhance Scandinavian manufacturing competitiveness through digital manufacturing.
Our mission: Enhance quality management & production performance in the cable industryOur job: Check and understand cable performance through accurate testing
Our offering: Measuring equipment, data management systems, certification, knowledge and expertise
Our driving force: Know-how to serve innovation … for boosting your yield.
AFA Medicals
AFAMED is a fast-growing medical enterprise established in 1999, working in the field of cosmomedicals, medical devices, and human bone grafts.It’s the exclusive agent and distributor of several European and American companies, including Bonosan, Saringer, Bio-composites, and Bone Bank Allografts within Saudi Arabia. Put to work a professional medical-oriented team of doctors and pharmacists subjected to comprehensive internal training programs to promote a whole range of products to different specialties working in the private, institutional, and governmental sectors. AFAMED’s scope of coverage includes most common specialties orthopedics, internists, pediatricians, OB/gynecologists, ENT, dermatologists, surgeons, GPs, dentists, and physiotherapists.
Being the agent of synthetic bone graft and allograft companies urged AFAMED to devote most of its human and financial resources to the orthopedics & trauma sector. The main office is located in Jeddah, together with other branches located in Riyadh, Makkah, Madinah, Taif, Abha, Qassim, Al-Khobar, and the Southern region, serving the entire Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.