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Odoo Expert Tips and Tricks: Catalog Optimization for eCommerce Success
Locatie: Hall 7.F - 09-11-2023 11:30 - 09-11-2023 12:00 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minuten)
Odoo Expert Tips and Tricks: Catalog Optimization for eCommerce Success
Steven Bultot
Business Analyst met Odoo
Steven Bultot
Business Analyst met Odoo

Steven has been a business analyst at Odoo since 2022. 

In 2023, he joined the web expertise team due to his significant interest and motivation in the website and eCommerce universe. In this new role, he will be sharing his experience in digital account and project management to assist his colleagues and Odoo's customers in configuring their businesses with the right settings and advice.

Join me in this exciting presentation at our company's grand event, where I'll be delving into the realm of eCommerce success with my demo 'Odoo Expert Tips and Tricks: Catalog Optimisation for eCommerce Success'. 

With the digital marketplace evolving rapidly, optimising your product catalog is paramount for staying ahead. Discover how to strategically enhance your eCommerce offerings, captivate your audience, and drive conversions. From structuring your catalog to leveraging advanced Odoo techniques, we'll explore a variety of insights to elevate your online business. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just stepping into the eCommerce landscape, this session promises actionable strategies to maximise your impact. 

Get ready to unlock the potential of your online store and embark on a journey towards eCommerce excellence!