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From Application to Appraisal: The Journey of a Skilled Applicant in Odoo
Functional HR Day
Locatie: Hall 10.A - 09-11-2023 16:00 - 09-11-2023 17:00 (Europe/Brussels) (1 uur)
From Application to Appraisal: The Journey of a Skilled Applicant in Odoo
Pierre Keunen & Victoria Bonaert
Business Analyst & Training Project Manager met Odoo
Pierre Keunen & Victoria Bonaert
Business Analyst & Training Project Manager met Odoo

After completing his study in Engineering and Entrepreneurship, Pierre joined Odoo in 2021 as a Business Analyst in the Quickstart Team. After a year and a half in that position, he then became a Services Expert and joined the Human Resources Expertise. As a functional consultant, Pierre is driven by solving challenging situations and understanding tricky customer's needs. Why HR Expertise? He believes in the profound impact HR practices have on shaping organizations and empowering individuals.

After working abroad for a few years, Victoria joined the Odoo ship in 2022 and is now in charge of the onboarding of newbies, internal training and any type of internal process improvements. This is how the Learning & Development team has been created at Odoo. She is absolutely passionate about her work and is always ready for new challenges!

For this talk, we'll embark on the journey through the life of a skilled employee at Odoo, as we dive into pivotal modules: Recruitment, Employee, Appraisal, and Referral. Using those modules, we'll go over the core features of each module and highlight the latest enhancements. From streamlining talent acquisition through the Recruitment module to empowering employees through seamless onboarding, training and performance tracking with the Employee module, and finally, to leveraging performance evaluation, constructive feedback and goal setting through the Appraisal module. 

You'll gain a deeper look at the power of Odoo's integrated HR suite in propelling employees toward their full potential.