MRP operations shop floor
Sean Clouden (secl)Gereed
What's new in Project?
Joseph Bigelow (jobi)Gereed
Channel - Odoo large and complex project by industry
Edouard Maupilé (edma)Gereed
What's new in Sales?
Cecilia Mustonen-Kemock (cemk)Gereed
What's New in CRM?
Morgan Giglio (mogi)Gereed
Sales: Explore the new PDF quote builder
Maura Casey (mcar)Gereed
What's New in Purchase?
John MacKay (jmac)Gereed
Odoo 18: New Sales Commission Module
Zach MateckiGereed
Custom MRP: Using Odoo's Product Configurator to Pre-define BOMs and Streamline Production
Brittany Bannister (brba)Gereed
Keynote - Previewing Odoo 18
Nicholas Kosinski (nko)Gereed
Repairs use case
Locatie: Golden Ballroom
23-08-2024 12:00
23-08-2024 12:30
(30 minuten)
Chad Diaz (chdi)
Account Executive - Direct Sales
Chad Diaz (chdi)
Account Executive - Direct Sales
A run-through of the repaired features inside of Odoo followed by a demonstration of the application.
Key Topics:
- An overview of the ways to process a repair
- Integration with repairs and associated modules
- The demonstration of a repair