Discover How Odoo Helps you Streamline your Recruitment Processes
Julia Niedziela (juni)Gereed
Bernadette Goodwin (bego)Gereed
Studio for Beginners
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Odoo Upgrades: Large Scale Enterprise Database Migration
Rajat GuptaGereed
There and Back Again - Navigating pandemics, scale-ups, downsizing, and more with Odoo
Brian JacksonGereed
Events Organization
Zachary Anderson (zaan)Gereed
Lexington Medical & Odoo
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Creating Custom Reports with Odoo Studio
Michael Licata (mili)Gereed
Better than React: Why We Built Our Own UI Library
Samuel Degueldre (sad)Gereed
Time-Off Management
Lara Star Martini (larm)Gereed
Efficiently Managing the Repair Process with Odoo
Locatie: Second Floor - Hall 2
22-08-2024 15:30
22-08-2024 16:00
(30 minuten)
Tyler Jones (tyjo)
Account Executive - Direct Sales
om Odoo Inc.
Tyler Jones (tyjo)
Account Executive - Direct Sales
om Odoo Inc.
Managing repair processes effectively is essential for ensuring timely service and customer satisfaction. This talk will explore how Odoo's Repairs app can streamline an organization's repair management process. It will cover the benefits of the Repairs app, explain the new features, and provide a demonstration of how to use Odoo’s Repairs app.
Whether you're looking to improve repair tracking or optimize resource usage, this session will provide practical insights and tips to simplify your repair management with Odoo.
Key Topics:
- What’s the purpose of Odoo’s Repairs App?
- Explain how repairs are created
- What's new in the Odoo Repairs app for v18
- Demonstration