Discover Odoo 18 Keynote, by Odoo Founder
Fabien PinckaersGereed
Odoo Inbox: The Ultimate Mailbox Suite
Jayati VirmaniGereed
GYM - Make your customers Fit- Odoo fits your needs
Thomas JohnGereed
Modernizing Government Operations: The Role of Odoo ERP
Hirav TrivediGereed
Better Customer Management (Partners + CST)
Sonu Tank (SONT)Gereed
Revolutionizing Business with WhatsApp and Odoo Integration
Ayaz MansuriGereed
Ashfak Mullantakath (asmu)Gereed
Telecom Company Integrated with Kubernetes and Big Data
Next-Generation Managed Services Journey from Cost to Value
Anugraha Mundra & Anurag AdukiaGereed
The Odoo Partnership Program
Akshay PanchalGereed
Industry : Hair Salon
Locatie: Seminar Hall 4, First Floor, Mahatma Mandir
24-08-2024 11:30
24-08-2024 12:00
(30 minuten)
Akshay Molke (akmo)
Akshay Molke (akmo)