MERCADOS CENTRALES DE ABASTECIMIENTO DE LAS PALMAS, S.A.S.M.E. es una empresa pública cuya trayectoria la ha convertido en la unidad alimentaria líder en Canarias en distribución de productos. La diversificación de su actividad ha convertido a MERCALASPALMAS en un gran centro especializado en el que operan más de 300 empresas del sector de la producción, de la distribución y de la logística de productos agroalimentarios. Openbaar bestuurMSJ Security Systems
M.S.J Security Systems (Manakh Shebah Al-Jazeerah) was established in 1991 and is owned by Al-Ajlan Holding Co. which provides integrated Security Systems, Solutions & Services throughout the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and GCC countries. Being a leading security solution provider we serve all government, commercial & private sectors. MSJ has branches and offices in most major cities of Saudi Arabia that constantly works on building a foundation of trust and credibility to achieve more success and progress. Openbaar bestuurMTÜ Maakondlikud Arenduskeskused
MTÜ Maakondlikud Arenduskeskused aka The Network of County Development Centres (CDC-Network) is NGO operated by the Estonian goverment that includes 15 county development centres. The county development centres are development organisations located in each county, which offer free counselling for start-up and operating companies, non-profit associations and foundations. Besides, we offer services and consultations for local authorities Openbaar bestuurMan Power Company
Man Power Company Limited, a manpower firm with over 100 employees, struggled with generating accurate and timely payslips, a time-consuming task that previously took one week of work. Araka customized Odoo’s payslip module to meet the specific needs of Man Power Company Limited. With this tailored solution, generating payslips for all employees can now be done with a single click, significantly reducing payroll processing time and enabling more efficient and accurate human resource management.Openbaar bestuur
Ministero Sviluppo Economico
Il Ministero dello sviluppo economico (MiSE) è il dicastero del governo italiano che comprende politica industriale, commercio internazionale, comunicazioni ed energia. È stato istituito nel 2006, a seguito della riorganizzazione del Ministero delle attività produttive (fino al 2001 Ministero dell'industria, del commercio e dell'artigianato), al quale nel 2008 sono stati accorpati il Ministero delle comunicazioni e il Ministero del commercio internazionale. Openbaar bestuurMinistry Of Defense Pension Fund
The Ministry of Defense Pension Fund is a public legal entity in the Sultanate of Oman duly organized under, and registered pursuant to, Sultani Decree 87/93 issued on 29th December 1993. The Ministry of Defense Pension Fund is one of the largest pension funds in Oman and is a major investor in the local capital markets, both in equities and bonds. It is also a major participant in project investments and Real Estate investments. The fund is represented on the boards of several prominent Corporate in Oman. Openbaar bestuurMutualité des P.M.E.
La Mutualité des P.M.E. est une société coopérative de caution mutuelle qui a été créée en 1949 conjointement par la Chambre des Métiers et la Fédération des Artisans.NSI a mis en place l’ensemble de la gestion de la MPME au travers de Odoo connecté a un important développement sur mesure.
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NV Bechtle Group BE Public
Als netbedrijf bouwt en beheert Fluvius de publieke nutsleidingen in de straat om elektriciteit, aardgas, riolering en warmte tot bij de klant te brengen. Fluvius zorgt er ook voor dat klanten een aansluiting krijgen op die netten. Bovendien beheren ze de openbare verlichting in de Vlaamse steden en gemeenten.Bij Fluvius zorgde Gumbys voor een integratie met SAP om verdere automatiseringen in hun dossierbeheer te bekomen. Met behulp van Odoo werd mogelijk gemaakt dat klanten via het klantenportaal verplichte documenten kunnen downloaden om ze in te vullen en nadien terug kunnen uploaden. Vervolgens kunnen de documenten goedgekeurd worden door interne gebruikers en gaan de dossiers doorheen de volgende stappen waar verschillende team telkens aanvullen met specifieke data. Uiteindelijk wordt er grote winst bekomen met de flow waarbij klanten zelf een afspraak kunnen inschieten in de gedeelde agenda’s van ijkers binnen hun regio. De lastige taak om gepaste momenten te vinden, het inplannen en communiceren hierrond wordt hierbij volledig geautomatiseerd. Daarnaast hebben de ijkers die ter plaatse moeten gaan alle info gebundeld ter beschikking via het portaal en een korte samenvatting in hun gekoppelde outlook agenda. Openbaar bestuur
National Agency for Food and Drug Adminstration and Control
The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) was established by Decree No. 15 of 1993 as amended by Decree No. 19 of 1999 and now the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control Act Cap N1 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria (LFN) 2004 to regulate and control the manufacture, importation, exportation, distribution, advertisement, sale and use of Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, Medical Devices, Packaged Water, Chemicals and Detergents (collectively known as regulated products). The Agency was officially established in October 1992.The vision of the Agency is “Safeguarding Public Health” and
The mission of NAFDAC is to safeguard public health by ensuring that only the right quality drugs, food and other regulated products are manufactured,imported, distributed, advertised, sold and used in Nigeria.
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