Invest In Oman
Invest Oman is the official investment marketing initiative for the sultanate. Managed by Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Investment Promotion (MOCIIP), to promote Oman as a base for businesses & support and facilitate those interested in locating in Oman. An innovative effort by the Omani government to enhance the business environment for local and international investors, at the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion (MoCIIP) Openbaar bestuurIstanbul Enerji AŞ
A SUBSIDIARY OF ISTANBUL METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITYIstanbul Energy, a subsidiary of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, has a strong and large network. Every day Istanbul Energy continued to grow, primarily citizens living in Istanbul and then trying to meet all the energy needs of Turkey.
We are operating in the fields of fuel oil, lightning, recovery and energy. By identifying the potential of cities we offer innovative and environmentally friendly solutions for our customers, stakeholders and the community.
Starting from the nearby geography and sharing its international experience and services with the whole world, Istanbul Energy supports all environmentalist energy production approaches. It works to produce new projects. Having an experienced engineering staff, Istanbul Energy has many partnerships for the development of environmentally friendly energy resources.
Taking the issue of low carbon emissions as a starting point, Istanbul Energy respects all living things in nature.
It is experienced in consultant-engineering-contractor-business in recycling and converting all kinds of waste and garbage into energy. Openbaar bestuur
KBRI Kuala Lumpur
Inquire.ID is an online matchmaking platform provided by Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia Kuala Lumpur. The website connects Malaysian with thousands of Indonesian products suppliers. This includes investment projects offered by both government and private sectors in Indonesia. Please visit Openbaar bestuurKIMUS Kindermuseum Graz GmbH
Das Grazer Kindermuseum FRida & freD ist für alle Kinder da und will eine – im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes – „begreifbare Welt“ sein. Mit den Programmen wird die Möglichkeit gegeben, die Welt in ihrer Vielfalt und Komplexität besser zu verstehen.Die kindgerechten Ausstellungen werden eigenständig und/oder mit Partnern realisiert. In Odoo wird der gesamte Projektprozess vom ersten Prototyp bis zu den finalen, interaktiven „Exhibits“ abgebildet – egal ob Planung, Einkauf, Organisation, Warenwirtschaft und Lagerverwaltung, Kostenkontrolle, Abrechnung oder schlussendlich der Verleih der Ausstellungsobjekte. Openbaar bestuur
King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Royal Reserve
The King Salman bin Abdulaziz Royal Reserve is the largest reserve in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with an area of 130,700 square kilometers. The reserve is distinguished by its pristine nature, pure air, geographical and heritage diversity, and rare antiquities, some of which date back to eight thousand years BC, and the number of animal species in it reaches three. One hundred species of rare deer and various wild animals, and it is a distinguished destination for eco-tourism. It integrates with its surroundings, preserves and enhances the natural and cultural heritage, and contributes to sustainable social and economic development. Telenoc was chosen as a success partner for implementing the Odoo system as an ideal solution for managing the reserve’s resources.تعد محمية الملك سلمان بن عبدالعزيز الملكية اكبر محمية في المملكة العربية السعودية، حيث تبلغ مساحتها 130,700 كيلو متر مربع، تتميز المحمية بطبيعتها البكر، وهواءها النقي والتنوع الجغرافي والتراثي، والآثار النادرة التي يعود بعضها لثمانية آلاف سنة قبل الميلاد، ويصل عدد أنواع الحيوانات فيها لثلاث مئة نوع ما بين غزلان نادرة وحيوانات برية مختلفة، وتعد وجهة متميزة للسياحة البيئية، تتكامل مع محيطها وتحفظ و تعزز الموروث الطبيعي والثقافي، وتساهم بالتنمية الاجتماعية، والاقتصادية المستدام، وقد تم اختيار شركة Telenoc كشريك نجاح لتنفيذ نظام Odoo كحل أمثل لإدارة موارد المحمية. Openbaar bestuur adalah situs web penggalangan dana dan donasi digital yang menghubungkan jutaan orang baik di Indonesia. Dimulai pada tahun 2013 sebagai gerakan sosial, kami terus tumbuh dan berkolaborasi dengan banyak perusahaan, badan pemerintah, organisasi nirlaba, rumah sakit, dan tokoh masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan kekuatan massa dalam mengatasi masalah sosial. Implementasi Odoo di dilakukan oleh Abajoo, hubungi kami di +6285179734700 dan kunjungi untuk informasi dari website kami.Openbaar bestuur
Koninklijke Smals N.V.
Koninklijke smals is een toonaangevend bagger bedrijf met vele bagger projecten internationaal. Het bedrijf beschikt over een uitgebreide vloot aan grootmaterieel. Odoo speelt een rol in de ondersteuning bij het onderhoud van deze vloot, je moet hierbij denken aan planning, inkoop, verhuur en de boekhouding. Alpiek heeft geholpen bij de implementatie van Odoo en ondersteunt Koninklijke Smals op dagelijkse basis bij het (verder) gebruik van Odoo.Handel
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Koperasi Karyawan Pupuk Kaltim
The Pupuk Kaltim Employee Cooperative officially took the form of a Cooperative Legal Entity which was established on January 9 1985. The deed of establishment was ratified directly by the Head of the Regional Office of the East Kalimantan Province Cooperative Service, namely Mr. Bustam Ismail, Bsc with Number 25 of 1992, with deed of amendment number: 858 / BH /PAD/KWK.17.X/96, dated 3 October 1996 and latest amendment deed number: 287/PAD/M.KUKM.2/II/2017 dated 3 February 2017. They use odoo to manage their operational activities using Modul such as: Accounting, Purchasing, Sales, Inventory and POSOpenbaar bestuur
La Régie des Quartiers de Liège
Elle propose une formation comprenant différentes filières de formation : bâtiment, nettoyage, logistique et environnement. Une filière dynamisation est également proposée aux personnes qui souhaitent.Nous avons implémenté la gestion des stocks, des ventes et la création future d’un site e-commerce.
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