Alpex-Albanian Power Exchange
The establishment of the Albanian Electricity Exchange (ALPEX) marks a new operating standard in the energy sector, which will guarantee more transparency and competition in the electricity market, as well as affect the more efficient use of cross-border capacities and it is expected that the price of electricity will decrease for the citizens of both countries.
The creation of ALPEX is in accordance with the policies of the Government of Albania and Kosovo for the liberalization of the energy market as well as one of the objectives of the third package of directives of the European Union for the establishment of the European Internal Market of Electricity ("IEM") as and of the decisions reached within the Berlin Process, namely the Western Balkans Summit in Vienna for the establishment of the operator (stock exchange) for the operation and therefore the merger of the Day Ahead (DAM) and Intraday (IDM) electricity markets, in a regional market and the integration of the Albania-Kosovo electricity market through the coupling process.
Among other things, ALPEX will encourage new investments in electricity generation and transmission networks in Albania and Kosovo, as well as the more efficient use of existing energy sources in both countries.