동영상 로딩 중...
Barcode Integration Unleashed: Transforming Manufacturing with Odoo's Barcode Solution
Functional MRP Day
위치: Hall 7.B - 23. 11. 8. 오후 4:00 - 23. 11. 8. 오후 4:30 (Europe/Brussels) (30분)
Barcode Integration Unleashed: Transforming Manufacturing with Odoo's Barcode Solution
Loïc Pierson
Manufacturing Business Analyst at Odoo
Loïc Pierson
Manufacturing Business Analyst at Odoo

After working for logistics and retail companies for 8 years, Loïc has joined Odoo in the Manufacturing Expertise Team two years ago. Helping companies to fit with standard solutions and providing valuable advice to clients dealing with tricky manufacturing flow ar now his daily tasks at Odoo.

Managing the Manufacturing Order directly from the Odoo Barcode App is now possible! 

Discover how the scanning will revolutionize the Manufacturing Process. From the Odoo App or directly with a scanner, let’s check together how you will be able to process your entire manufacturing flow without touching any screen!