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Odoo as a development platform from a business perspective
Business Customer Success Story Partner Community
위치: Mezzanine 500 - 22. 10. 14. AM 9:00 - 22. 10. 14. AM 9:30 (Europe/Brussels) (30분)
Odoo as a development platform from a business perspective
Tobias Hammeke
CEO & Founder of OBS Solutions at Tobias Hammeke
Tobias Hammeke
CEO & Founder of OBS Solutions at Tobias Hammeke

OBS Solutions was established in 2015 by me. In 2017, we became an Odoo Gold Partner and only a short two years after that were awarded "Best Partner Europe" by Odoo S.A. in October 2019. Today we are one of the leading Odoo integrators worldwide focusing on multinational and big implementations.

The motivation to start an Odoo partnership came when I discovered the potential and functionality of Odoo as a business management software, while working as the managing director of an international trading company.

This talk is about the strength of Odoo as a development platform. Besides the standard use case using Odoo as a company software, the Odoo platform can also be used to develop a specific software, an industry solution, various extensions, or can be the enabler of any software-related business model.


  1. Odoo Demo of key aspects:
    Why Odoo and its ecosystem are the perfect platforms?
  2. Demonstrate possibilities to build a business on Odoo:
    Possibilities with Odoo from a business and market perspective
  3. Success Story: The built of Smartbrix - the real estate software.
    With Smartbrix, we have developed over the past years a state-of-the-art solution for the real estate industry, including a convincing business model. 
  4. Discussion, question & answers