Primus Auditing Ops - United States

Primus Auditing Ops - United States

In 1994, PrimusLabs began its foray into auditing by developing G.A.P. manuals, and in 1996, the company became an early force in the produce industry for field level food safety plans. It was the first American company to offer auditing for farms and harvest crews and became an early and strong advocate for complete programs for farms and ranches. Over the next few years, PrimusLabs began offering food industry plans, and GMP audits and consultation for processing plants, cooling and cold storage facilities, packing sheds, terminal market and distribution centers. These audits were known as PrimusLabs Standard audits.

The firm provided extensive expertise in the form of “guides” used throughout the industry and by governmental food safety agencies. Thus, Primus Laboratories advanced the concept of preventing contamination at the earliest point in the production chain, rather than limiting the focus to downstream packing or processing operations, a concept not acknowledged by the FDA until 2011 with the passage of FSMA.