Ngenic AB
About Ngenic
Ngenic is an industry-leading energy technology company that works with digitization and efficiency of energy systems. Our services and products enable a more cost-effective use of existing infrastructure in the electricity and district heating network, while at the same time providing increased comfort for the end consumer.
The company was founded in 2010 and the first consumer product was the smart thermostat Ngenic Tune, which was then followed by the energy meter supplement Ngenic Track. On the corporate side, Ngenic has developed services for load control, e.g. for Uppsala Energi's network in the KlokEl and VäxEl projects. The corporate offering was further strengthened in connection with the acquisition of CompWell 2018, which means that we can now offer individual measurement and billing (IMD) for properties.
Over the years, Ngenic has been awarded a number of awards and prizes. In 2012, the company was awarded the Almedalen Future Prize, in 2018 the VäxEl project won the prestigious ISGAN Award of Excellence, and in 2019, the Energy Efficiency Companies named Ngenic the Future Company of the Year.
Ngenic's driving force is to develop services that help consumers, property owners and energy companies to contribute to a more sustainable society. We are today in Uppsala, Stockholm and Poland with headquarters in Uppsala.