Fédération des Aveugles Alsace Lorraine Grand Est
La Fédération des Aveugles du Grand Est a pour missions principales de procurer du travail aux personnes handicapées visuelles et d’aider à leur intégration sociale. Elle rassemble ainsi différentes structures aux activités et champs d’actions diversifiés.• Gestion commerciale achats/ventes
• gestion des stocks
• gestion de production
• comptabilité
공개 관리
G.A.L. asbl
Le Mouvement réformateur est un parti politique belge francophone de droite et centre droit, issu de la coalition de plusieurs partis. Créé en 2002, avec son siège social basé sur la région de Bruxelles capitale, il se définit comme rassembleur et pluraliste et fonde son idéologie sur le libéralisme social. En 2014, son président de l’époque accède à la tête du gouvernement fédéral en étant nommé Premier ministre de Belgique. Le Mr est au pouvoir en Wallonie après 14 ans d’opposition. 공개 관리GESOP, Gabinete de Estudios Sociales y Opinión Pública, SL
Empresa especialista en la elaboración de proyectos en el ámbito de la Investigación Social y de Mercado, con amplia experiencia en estudios de opinión pública en ámbitos muy diversos.En GESOP se utiliza Odoo con los módulos de Contabilidad, Compras, Ventas, Empleados, Partes de horas, CRM, Marketing Automation, Mail Marketing, entre otros. 공개 관리
Group S est une société de services professionnels en ressources humaines dont le siège se trouve à Bruxelles, en Belgique.Depuis plus de 80 ans, Group S est un fournisseur accrédité d'externalisation de la paie (secrétariat social) pour plus de 22.000 clients répartis sur l'ensemble du territoire belge. L'équipe cherchait à intégrer et à numériser les processus prioritaires tels que la gestion du CRM, la gestion des devis et commandes, la gestion des projets et services… 공개 관리
GRTU Services Limited
The General Retailers and Traders Union (GRTU) also known as the Malta Chamber forSMEs is a trade union in Malta that represents small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
across various sectors of the economy. It was established in 1968 and has since become a
prominent voice for the business community in Malta.
The GRTU works to promote the interests of its members by engaging in advocacy and
lobbying efforts, providing business support services, and organizing training and networking
events. The union also offers a range of benefits to its members, including legal and financial
advice, discounts on various services, and representation in disputes with suppliers or
The GRTU is involved in several initiatives aimed at promoting the growth and development
of SMEs in Malta. One such initiative is the Enterprise Europe Network, a European Union-
funded program that provides business support services to SMEs looking to expand into new
markets. The GRTU also runs the Business First initiative, which provides a one-stop-shop
for business registration and licensing services.
4Sight was awarded a Tender for the full digitalisation of GRTU. 4Sight has supported the
Union in Digitising all of its operation from the management of subscriptions to accounts to
its digital marketing efforts and the organisation of events. 공개 관리
Global Academy
Global Academy for Training and Development – Egypt / Ethraa Future for Training - KSA is a dynamic organization based in Egypt and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with representation in France and United States of America. Global Academy adopts a strong unique strategic vision which is offering the Best Practice methodology and approach for Human and Organizational Development in consultancy, training, employee selection and recruitment of the best calibers in Egypt and the Middle East area. Our sustainable edge lies in a very strong and prestigious steering committee of high profile academics and practioners especially in the human resources, banking and financial fields.공개 관리
Grace Team Advertising
Grace team is a limited liability company that established since 1993 at Ain Shams, Cairo with little resources. The company grew more than expected. In 2000, the company moved to new plant in El-Obour city where we was one of the leading print houses in Egypt that entered multicolored offset machines. In 2005, we were the first print house in Egypt that installed Xerox digital machine and in 2010 we was also the first print house that installed IGEN 4 digital machine.In 2010, we started the outdoor printing and we were the first print house in Egypt to install long life high resolution outdoor printing technology. On 2010, we was also the first print house in Egypt to offer printing on rigid surfaces like glass, wood, acrylic, … etc We moved to our current location in 2015, and kept the previous plant for flexo printing (labels & self-adhesives). In addition to another plant near to El-Obour city specialized for Rotogravure printing. Now we can offer fully integrated printing, packaging & advertising solutions that cover all customer needs and requirements. 공개 관리
ISDEFE/NASA (Madrid Deep Space Comunications Complex. DEEP SPACE NETWORK) es una empresa pública especializada en dar soluciones a los grandes retos de la Administración,nacional e internacional, mediante servicios de ingeniería, consultoría y asistencia técnica.
QubiQ les ha ayudado a gestionar parte de procesos de compra y facturación en Odoo, conviviendo con Máximo, un software de IBM de gestión de activos y stock. Implementacion de ERP Odoo v16 con módulos de compras y facturación conectando con Máximo a nivel de productos, stock y proveedores. 공개 관리
ICESCO : L’Organisation du monde islamique pour l'éducation, les sciences et la culture est une organisation internationale issue de l’Organisation de la coopération islamique (OCI) et spécialisée dans les domaines de l’éducation, des sciences, de la culture et de la communication dans les pays islamiques. Elle vise à soutenir et renforcer les liens entre les États membres dans le cadre de ses domaines de compétences. 공개 관리Iniciativa Liberal
A Iniciativa Liberal é o partido político criado para promover e defender o Liberalismo em Portugal.O seu desígnio é abrir caminho para um Portugal Mais Liberal, que proporcione mais Liberdade a todos os portugueses.
A sua abordagem é a promoção corajosa e defesa intransigente da Liberdade, contra os estatismos de todos os partidos. 공개 관리