Gostanian Exchange Company - Silva Exchange
About Silva Exchange:
Meet Silva Exchange, a distinguished currency exchange establishment rooted in Beirut since 1957. With a rich history of financial expertise, Silva Exchange has been a trusted name, providing unparalleled currency exchange services to its clientele.
Silva Exchange encountered a critical need for an interface empowering their counter cashier to swiftly navigate foreign currency rates, facilitating quick Buy and Sell computations. The challenge lay in seamlessly integrating these transactions into the accounting system, demanding an efficient solution to enhance their operational speed and accuracy.
Odoo emerged as the perfect remedy for Silva Exchange's specific challenges. By implementing the Odoo ERP system, Silva Exchange gained a tailored interface for their counter cashier, equipped with real-time foreign currency rates and streamlined functionalities for swift Buy and Sell calculations. This seamless integration ensures efficient entry posting to accounting, marking a transformative step towards operational ease and accuracy for Silva Exchange.