Scrape your existing website and save tons of time when migrating your web content to Odoo!
Demo Functional
ロケーション: Hall 7.F - 2023/11/08 11:00 - 2023/11/08 11:30 (Europe/Brussels) (30 分)
Scrape your existing website and save tons of time when migrating your web content to Odoo!
Ivan Klapka (ivkl)
Software Developer 以下にて:Odoo
Ivan Klapka (ivkl)
Software Developer 以下にて:Odoo

Ivan is an AI developer responsible for the Website Scraper Project.

He started the project a year ago and hopes it will be well received. He is curious and passionate about solving complex problems.

Migrate any existing website into Odoo! 

You want to use our state-of-the-art builder or want to use our integrated apps?

We've developed a tool that'll save you tons of time when migrating any website into Odoo.