Using Odoo for Sport Organisations
Demo Functional
ロケーション: Studio 7 - 2021/10/07 16:00 - 2021/10/07 16:30 (Europe/Brussels) (30 分)
Using Odoo for Sport Organisations
Stefan Ljutzkanov
Stefan Ljutzkanov

Stefan is a sport and business consultant working with professional and non-for-profit sports organisations in the UK.

Combining the sport and business side, Stefan has achieved a new type of product based on the Odoo ERP, which aims to satisfy specific purposes for different kinds of sports organisations (clubs, associations, and federations). 

Sports organisations need additional "must-have" functionalities related to their specific human resources, inventory, and professional or non-for-profit setups.

The talk begins with a short overview and comparison between the Community and Enterprise versions and some specifics related to choosing the correct version and how to benefit efficiently from the Enterprise version.

Further, Stefan will pass through the major differences between both professional and not-for-profit organisations. He will generally outline how to adapt Odoo to satisfy the different organisational needs, taking a closer look at subscription models, membership models, and custom payment processes.

He will showcase some of the custom planning modules in Odoo with customer 3rd party providers, like video servers and event-tagging software, and how this fits into the future of professional sports.

Additionally, Stefan will outline the sport-specific modules, comparing features uniquely necessary in the world of football (for sport agents, for example) and compare those to other sports like badminton and cricket, where other needs are prevailing.


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