Odoo Experience 2015
The ETL Module - Moving information between databases!
ロケーション: Functional / Lauzelle - 2015/06/04 12:30 - 2015/06/04 12:49 (Europe/Brussels) (20 分)
The ETL Module - Moving information between databases!

The ETL Module (https://github.com/ingadhoc/odoo-etl) was developed in Adhoc (www.ingadhoc.com) during 2014 as a solution in ETL tasks. This module uses Odoo Web Services to allow the user to perform the ETL tasks of multiple objects between databases deployed on different versions of Odoo. The design is quite simple, it use native odoo methods (primarily load and export_data) and the aim of this project is different from odoo migration or OpenUpgrade, for example: it allows to start from a clean database, merging different odoo databases into a single multicompany database, etc. It was developed using xmi2oerp tool, thanks Cristian Sebastian Rocha for that great work! You can see an example video in the following links, in this example we are going to show how to move data from a v6.1 database with demo data to a trunk database without demo data. Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZQQaNQ9k7U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmScwCM3whg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS2ShlY1gLI You can find a tutorial on: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HWERCUp9rMHqEibT7B_mfu9jePV-FBkYbo--OB0jXqA The presentation during the Odoo Days aims to show the working module and to explain the benefits of moving information in a selective way, generating a documented model that can perform multiple ETL tests and to gradually improve this model, getting it ready for a final ETL process directly to the production enviroment. Hope we can share this with you during the Odoo Days, congratulations for your continuos effort to improve Odoo Thanks! Juan José Scarafía