The Modern Time Machine for Import & Export L.L.C

The Modern Time Machine for Import & Export L.L.C

Mr. Zakaria Al Hakeem, a hard working man whose passion for spreading popular culture lead him in 2017 to start up 'The Modern Time Machine for Import & Export,' an import and wholesale distributive company with the purpose of spreading officially licensed entertainment merchandise and Pop culture collectibles and currently located in Amman-Jordan. Mr. Zakaria wants to share his passion and reach out to fans of popular culture from both genders between the ages of + 11 to + 35, or as he calls them, "the young and young at heart." He wishes to meet and connect with society's enthusiastic devotee's who are fervent about the perpetual and unceasing multimedia entertainment categories such as -according to him - but not limited to: Blockbusters, Sci-Fi, Marvel & DC Cinematics, Anime & Manga, Video Games, TV series, Comic Books...etc.