


AlJawad AlMota'alaq Private Security
AlJawad AlMota'alaq Private Security
تقوم شركة الجواد المتألق للحراسات الأمنية بتوفير أفضل الكوادر من افراد الامن والمشرفين المدربين جيدا لتزويد عملائنا بالخدمات
الأمنية في المراكز التجارية والمصانع والمحلات التجارية والمستودعات والبنوك والمستشفيات والمشروعات تحت الانشاء والمدارس
والجامعات والمؤسسات التعليمية.
الالتزام هو جوهر عملنا، وحرصــا منــا علــى التميــز و الانفراد فــي جــودة الخدمــات التــي نقدمهــا لعملائنــا حيث ان نشاط
الحراسات الأمنية من الأنشطة التي تسبب هاجسـا لأغلـب عمـلاء هـذه الخدمـات ولتحقيـق الأهـداف الإسـتراتيجية لـكل خدمـة انتهجـت
شـركتنا سياسـات ومفاهيـم إداريــة وتشــغيلية أكثــر مرونــة واعتنــت بتشــغيل افضل الشــباب الســعودي المؤهليــن وتــم اختيارهــم
علــى أسس علمية مثل (الــوازع الدينــي – الســيرة الحســنه- الخبــرة السابقة – اللياقـة البدنيـة - المظهـر اللائق) وقد تـم تدريبهـم علـى
أعلــى المســتويات بأشراف افضل الخبرات الأمنية.
Alawite Islamic Charity Association
Alawite Islamic Charity Association
The Alawite Islamic Charity Association (AICA) is a non-governmental organization located in Lebanon that was founded in 1950. It is registered under the decree No. 4500/1950 and aims to claim the rights of communities through development and social projects as well as health care and medical services. Its projects and activities aim to mitigate all forms of discrimination towards civil rights access (medical, health, education, work opportunities, or any other additional required support), raise individual and collective awareness, mainstream protection and disseminate risks prevention. The intervention strategy consists of a holistic approach within development, advocacy and resilience as well as relief and emergency response action. AICA ensures equity & access to Human Rights for vulnerable communities with facing any kind of discrimination.

With its growing portfolio of services, AICA needed a reliable system to streamline their operations across all verticals.
NavyBits implemented Odoo 16 and provided solution to manage their medical center, their community restaurant as well as the core workflows of the organization, all in one database.

NavyBits and Odoo allowed AICA to better understand their data by branch and cost center and overhauled the patient processing in their medical center.

Odoo was a perfect fit for the needs of an NGO like AICA and allowed easier compliance with the obligations towards the international donors supporting the association.