Odoo Experience 2017
Mechanics Task Manager
Luogo: Aula Magna / Biéreau - 04/10/17, 12:30 - 04/10/17, 12:50 (Europe/Brussels) (20 minuti)
Mechanics Task Manager
Nick Van der Stocken
Functional Analyst a Callista
Nick Van der Stocken
Functional Analyst a Callista

As a Functional analist, Nick analyses the functional needs and opportunities for the customers of Callista. He is also responsible for support and training.

In our Mechanics task manager, we provide mechanics with an easy to use tool to keep track of their working hours. This tool is very useful in workspace areas. Mechanics or technicians can use this tool, created by Callista, to start, pause or stop any project they have to work on. On a big (touch) screen, they can click/tap on their name, watch the project they have to work on. When they start a project, the system keeps track of their working time. The mechanic can pause or quit this job, so they can start another one. When they have finished working on a particular project, a simple click/tap on the screen saves his hours and marks the project as done. In the back-end, administration employees can follow up this project and get invoices ready. Working hours of the mechanics are automatically completed in the tasks in a project. This Tool works in Odoo 10 Enterprise.