Al Murabit Company
first and longest-standing Private, Oil Supply & Services companies in Iraq and the region, where we always strive to match our services and supplies to accommodate your needs. We have been in the business for over 11 years, and management and staff have acquired exceptional insight into the markets we operate.The goal of the Al Murabit Company is to become a significant leader in the Service & Supply of both Oil & Gas Fields
Al Sadiq Transport
Al Sadiq Transport for twenty five years of service, we are constantly improving the standard and value of our services. Our buses are of highest quality possible, well maintained and with passengers comfort and safety as main consideration. Our commitment towards excellence has marked improvement in all aspects of our service.Company employs a team of experienced, dedicated, loyal, and professional people focused on providing a good quality service. Our drivers are specially selected and professionally trained. We operate 24 hours and 7 days a week.
We have an operational large fleet vehicles ranging from mini buses to luxury coaches. We provide transportation to daily school bus service, Bahrain ministries, Hotels and resorts, private companies, travel agencies, special events and not to mention cruise ships for City tours throughout Bahrain. Trasporto
Albassami International Business Group Company
Founded in 1968, it was one of the pioneers of professional vehicle transport services in the region. As the Middle East progressed, Al Bassami Transport responded to the growing demand for vehicle transport and has since grown its business substantially to become the leader in vehicle transport that it is today.It offers a variety of services that include:
All kinds of vehicle transportation services, for the local, regional and international markets
Logistical services, such as transportation of goods and supplies
Special transportation services for VIP customers
Its massive fleet of fully-insured vehicles and parcels transportation cover the entire territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as countries in the Gulf region.
Al Bassami Transport has the capability and experience to address any transportation and logistics requirement from across the GCC. Trasporto
Alders Service Center
Alders Service Center is onderdeel van de Altrea Logistics Group en staat in voor het onderhoud, herstel en Truckwash van de volledige vloot alsook voor externe logistieke bedrijven. Alle bedrijfsprocessen van Accounting tot Field Service, Purchase, Inventory en Fleet Management worden beheerd binnen Odoo.Trasporto
Almeliegy AMG
Established in early 2003 by Eng. Mohamed Gomaa Al-Meliegy, the company initially focused on manufacturing electrical panels and producing its first busbar products.Throughout its existence, the company has successfully undertaken diverse projects spanning various sectors. From its inception, there has been a continuous commitment to developing products that meet the highest standards of accuracy and quality.
To validate its commitment, Al-Meliegy pursued product approvals from various testing laboratories, both within and outside the Republic. The company attained certifications for all products at high voltage levels in the Arab Republic of Egypt and at the prestigious European KEMA laboratories.
Today, Al-Meliegy Group stands as a cutting-edge provider of electrical panels and busbar trunking systems, catering to esteemed clients across the Middle East and Europe. The company's journey reflects a dedication to innovation, precision, and quality assurance. Trasporto
Alnakhla Co. KSA
مجموعة شركات النخلة الاهلية الرائد في عالم النقل وتأجير السيارات وخدمة المطارات والخدمات البتروليةالنظام :
تم نقل شركة النخلة من نظامهم السابق الي نظام اودو النسخة 15 ENTERPRICE
المزايا :
تكاملية وترابط جميع الشركات واقسامها في نظام واحد (مالية – مستودعات – مشتريات – مبيعات – إدارة المحروقات –إدارة الحركة – صيانة المباني والسيارات - الموارد البشرية - العهد المالية والعينية – ربط الفاتورة الالكترونية مع الزكاة والدخل – إدارة المشاريع)
تقليل تكلفة الوقت والعمل الورقي
رفع كفاءة العمل وموثوقية المخرجات المالية
تقارير سهلة ومتعددة وبسيطة ودسمة النتائج في كل المنظومات
سرعة الإجراءات والتواصل مابين الأقسام والشركات المختلفة
تنظيم الدليل المحاسبي والعمل علي اكثر من مستوي محاسبي
التعامل مابين الشركات المختلفة حسب نشاط كل شركة (Inter Company )
إدارة عملية شراء المحروقات من الجهات المختصة حسب النموذج المعتمد داخل موقعهم
متابعة الحضور والانصراف والعمل الإضافي – تطبيق موبايل او بواسطة النظام و انظمه البصمة
تعامل جميع الموظفين مع النظام عن طريق البوابة الخارجية للنظام (Portal Users)
حجز مواعيد التوصيل والتفريغ للمحروقات والصيانة بكل سهولة عبر النظام
الوصول الي العميل حسب الموقع المحدد مسبقا عند الشراء مباشرة
إدارة طلبات الشراء بواسطة المستخدمين
إدارة كاملة لطلبات وتصفية العهد حسب التسلسلية الهرمية
حساب رواتب حسب المشاريع وفترة دوام كل موظف في المشروع
Alpha Logistics
Alfa Logistics is a local company with 600 million Egyptian pound investment, started on 2014 by 20,000 Pallet position at one site.On May 2016 it reached up to 78,000 pallet positions.
Today Alfa is one of the biggest 3PL company specialized in warehousing, value-added services and distribution. Given the nature of its operations, Alfa requires smart and encompassing storage solutions, and the first specialist logistics company that has implemented the shuttling system with 9 Million EGP investment and reached up to 100,000 pallet positions after it became three sites. Trasporto
Alsarrai LLC
Global Reach: Alsarrai operates on a global scale, bridging the gap between manufacturers and customers from diverse regions. We have a vast network of partners and distributors, ensuring your products reach their intended markets efficiently.Quality Assurance: We take pride in delivering products that meet the highest quality standards. Our rigorous quality control processes guarantee that every product we export and distribute adheres to international quality benchmarks.
Customer-Centric Approach: Customer satisfaction is our top priority. We work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and tailor our services, accordingly, ensuring a personalized and responsive experience.
Sustainability Commitment: Alsarrai is committed to sustainable business practices. We actively seek environmentally friendly solutions in our operations and promote sustainability in the supply chain.
Innovation: We embrace technology and innovation to streamline processes and optimize efficiency. This dedication to progress enables us to stay ahead in the ever-evolving global trade landscape.
Integrity: Our business is built on trust and integrity. We adhere to the highest ethical standards in all our dealings, fostering long-lasting relationships with partners, clients, and stakeholders. Trasporto