Juma Al Majid Holding Group LLC
Industry: Education – Schoolhttps://www.charityschools.com/
National Charity School is also part of the Juma Al Majid Entity. There are a total 10 schools which are widely spread in three different emirates .i.e. Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman. The educational program at the National Charity School is based on the Ministry of Education (MOE) curriculum. MOE curriculum is an innovative and globally competitive academic program.
The solution extends beyond traditional boundaries, incorporating key integrations like online payment gateways, EFT, SMS, and more, enhancing accessibility and operational agility. Our solution not only streamlines administrative tasks but also transforms the entire educational experience for all stakeholders.
The solution automated the following business processes: Click to continue Istruzione
K2-Verlag GmbH
Der Spruch "Lernen mit Kopf, Herz und Hand" von Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi ist heute aktueller denn je, er begleitet die K2-Verleger schon seit vielen Jahren. In Zusammenarbeit mit Lehrpersonen, Logopädinnen, Ergotherapeuten, Nachhilfeorganisationen, Spezialverlagen und weiteren pädagogischen Fachleuten entwickeln und gestalten wir Lernspiele, Lernprogramme, Übungsmaterial, Lern- und Therapiegeräte, Downloads und Schulbedarfs-Hilfsmittel. IstruzioneKarel de Grote Hogeschool
De Karel de Grote Hogeschool is een katholieke hogeschool in Antwerpen met ongeveer 13.500 studenten en ongeveer 1.400 werknemers. KdG staat voor duurzame ontwikkeling van studenten, medewerkers en samenleving. Odoo wordt ingezet om het beheer van labomateriaal te faciliteren zodat men een ten alle tijden een goed zicht heeft op de voorraad en het aankoopproces van pro-actief kan sturen. IstruzioneKatholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen VZW
Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen is de koepelorganisatie van alle katholieke scholen over het Vlaamse Gewest.Ter ondersteuning van de pedagogische begeleiding aan de scholen wordt Odoo gebruikt om haar trajecten te ondersteunen.
Het Odoo framework biedt de mogelijkheid om op een snelle en dynamische manier, het specifieke proces van Katholiek Onderwijs uit te werken.
De implementatie gaat daarbij gepaard met een uitvoerige analyse en uitdagende programmatie van maatwerk functionaliteiten. Istruzione
Industry: Beauty & FitnessSector: Gym
Kinetico, established in 2009 in Riyadh, is a wellness community run by passionate Saudi women. It includes the Kinetico Dance Company, the first and largest dance company in Saudi Arabia, offering innovative performances, fitness classes focusing on Pilates and Yoga, and a professional gymnastics division. Kinetico needed an efficient system to manage their accounting, sales, and purchases. Azkatech, an Odoo Gold Partner, implemented an integrated ERP solution, streamlining their operations and enhancing financial management. Azkatech's expertise ensured a tailored solution, supporting Kinetico's commitment to excellence in wellness and movement. Istruzione
Knowledge Fusion
🇧🇪 | Enseignement privéModules : Contact, Site web, Ecommerce, Evénement, Vente, Facturation, Planning, Projet, Timesheet, Email marketing
Knowledge Fusion est une entreprise qui propose des cours et des formations aux étudiants avant qu'ils ne commencent leurs études de médecine.
Ils avaient besoin d'un logiciel pour les aider à gérer leur organisation, principalement gérée sur Excel et sur papier jusqu'alors. Nous leur avons fourni une solution Odoo utilisée par leurs ressources opérationnelles pour configurer et planifier les cours, payer les professeurs, communiquer avec les étudiants, etc...
D'autre part, les étudiants et les enseignants ont accès à une application mobile et web qui leur permet de suivre les cours, d'encoder les présences et les résultats, etc.
La solution leur a permis de faciliter la communication, de rationaliser les données et de leur donner accès à de nombreuses informations.
Knowledge Without Borders
Knowledge without Borders (KwB) is a Sharjah Government initiative with the primary goal of encouraging parents and children to spend more time reading. With this in mind, KwB has provided Arabic book libraries to more than 42,000 Emirati households in Sharjah. KwB was launched by HH Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council Ruler of Sharjah and is led by Bodour Al Qasimi, Head of the Knowledge without Borders Organising Committee. By further cementing Sharjah's status as the region’s culture capital through its extensive educational programmes and school and library activities, KwB aims to highlight the importance of reading for childhood development and broaden cultural understanding within the community. IstruzioneLIBRAIRIE PAPETERIE NATIONALE
«La Librairie Papeterie Nationale, LPN, filiale du groupe Hachette Livre est spécialisée depuis 1951 dans l’édition et la diffusion du livre au Maroc.Grâce aux 160 maisons d’éditions prestigieuses qu’elle représente en exclusivité, la LPN propose la plus large gamme de livres disponibles au Maroc, dans plusieurs langues. » Istruzione
Lab Of Future Institute LLC
Lab of Future is a STEM-based Space Science & Technology organization offering hands-on-learning programs crafted for students from Early Years to Post Graduation.List of programs we offer:
- Racketeering Marvels (Model Rocketry)
- Airborne Wonders (Aeromodelling & Avionics)
- Drone Dynamics ( Drones Design)
- Galactic Mechanics (Space Robotics)
- Intelligence Unleashed (Artificial Intelligence)
- IoT Illuminations (Internet of Things)
- Electronics & Robotics (Robotics Realms)
- Mind Over Machine (Brain Computer Interface )
- 3D Wonders (3D Printing)
- Cyber Sentinels (Cyber Security)
- Celestial Voyages (Space & Astronomy)
- Code craft Chronicles (Coding)
- Virtual Realities ( VR Game Development )
Our programs are backed by industries and we create incredible opportunities for students to channel up for main stream careers.
As a space tech educational company, we are developing technology based programs, manufacturing technology based educational products and establishing activity based state-of-art technology labs.
We work with schools, colleges, universities, industries and individuals.
Head Office: Dubai Istruzione
lawpilots bietet innovative Online-Schulungen in den immer relevanter werdenden Rechtsgebieten Datenschutz, Compliance, Arbeitsschutz und Informationssicherheit. Dabei werden Mitarbeiter:innen und Führungskräfte für die rechtlichen Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung fit gemacht - getreu dem Motto: Recht. Einfach. Verstehen.Dabei verzichtet lawpilots jedoch auf die üblichen langwierigen starren Kurskonzepte und verknüpft stattdessen Lerninhalte mit einer spannenden Mischung aus Beispielen, Gamification, Experteninterviews und Infografiken. Durch das moderne Online-Format lassen sich die Schulungen flexibel im Arbeitsalltag der Mitarbeiter:innen umsetzen und das Erlernte prägt sich positiv und langfristig bei den Teilnehmer:innen ein.
Depuis 2007, LEADERCOM est une Référence en Communication, Marketing et Évènementiel au Mali et en Afrique de l’Ouest.Des Moyens et Techniques adéquats sont mis à disposition pour les Entreprises, Administrations, Organismes, Collectivités et Programmes.
De la Communication Externe à la Communication Interne sont développées pour fédérer le Consommateur et le Personnel aux objectifs de la structure.
Une Équipe Dynamique, Compétente et Réactive est déployée pour les Meilleurs Services dans les Meilleurs Délais.
Learning Curve
Learning Curve is the sole distributor for all Adobe products in South Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. With their vast array of products, they supply multiple Government departments, Educational facilities, high-end Corporate businesses as well as end-users. The current Pricelist is complex based on multi-functional licences and annual renewals, totalling in excess of 20,000 product lines. IstruzioneLevantine Institute
Levantine Institute offers quality Arabic courses in an immersion program that includes accommodation, annual program, cultural experience, and engagement with the community.Al Jawad Software house helped Levantine to build an online version of their courses which can be taught and accessed remotely all while accommodating for different time zones. The classes are given online through an (Odoo + Zoom) customer integration. Istruzione
Levantine Institute of Tripoli - Sham Development SARL
Levantine Institute offers quality Arabic courses in an immersion program that includes accommodation, annual program, cultural experience, and engagement with the community.Al Jawad Software house helped Levantine to build an online version of their courses which can be taught and accessed remotely all while accommodating for different time zones. The classes are given online through an (Odoo + Zoom) customer integration. Istruzione