PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang pertambangan dan pemasaran batubara untuk pelanggan industri baik pasar ekspor maupun domestik. KPC mengelola area konsesi pertambangan dengan luas mencapai 84,938 hektar. Dengan didukung oleh lebih dari 4.499 orang karyawan dan 21.000 personel dari kontraktor dan perusahaan terkait, kapasitas produksi batubara KPC mencapai 70 juta ton per tahun. Attività minerariaPT. Samudra Maju Perkasa
It took more than 10 years of credible experience to construct our identity. To establish the proven quality works of PT. Samudra Maju Perkasa (PT.SMP) which all began in 2001. Throughout that precious time, our hands have made us impregnated in practical knowledge and right-minded integrity in the business of construction services in Indonesia. We start our company by renting heavy equipments to a highway project in Jakarta. Trough time, we develop our services as a tin mining contractor in Bangka Belitung, foresting contractor in Jambi (2004-2006) and hauling contractor in coal mining, East Borneo (2006 – Now). From Joint Operation with State Owned Companies to Private Companies, we deliver more than just a physical settings. We look for the positive respond on what we do as an extension to succeed our client’s business objective. Furthermore, we ensure our long term commitment in social awareness that would lead us to become a sustainable company. They manage the operation by using Odoo with Modul: Accounting, Sales. Purchase, Inventory, Fleet, and RepairAttività mineraria