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UC Solutions

Monitoring All Operations From One Interface: Here's How

Company Name: UC Solutions

Location: Egypt

Industry: IT Service provider and System Integrator

Partner name: IT SYS Corporation

Main Apps implemented/used: Accounting, Inventory, purchase, Sales, CRM, Leaves/Time off, Email Marketing and Marketing Automation.

Size of the company: 50+

About UC Solutions
UC Solutions is an IT service provider and system integrator founded in Egypt in the year 2010. The company works with their customers to help them plan, build, support, and manage their IT infrastructure. With a list of world-class vendors, UC Solutions helps their customers choose the best fit technologies that can increase your productivity. The company’s solutions can be summarized as follows: 

  1. Security Solutions

  2. Cloud Solutions

  3. Voice over IP Solutions

  4. Datacenter Solutions

Multiple Platforms and Decentralized Data
As a company which aims to flourish gracefully, UC Solutions realizes the importance of making reports and keeping track of its own processes and progress. They realized their particularly strong growth over the last three years and concluded that they were struggling to keep up with themselves. They were facing an undeniably huge challenge: their data was decentralized. The employees were spending most of their time revising reports rather than writing new ones, and this led to them falling behind.

Previously, they were using a multitude of different applications to manage their operations. They were using Quick Books for Accounting and Warehouse, Dynamics CRM for CRM and Sales, and no software for Purchasing and Marketing. This means that their data was spread across different platforms and there was no one clear and absolutely accurate answer to important questions. It also meant they had repetitive or missing data. Ultimately, this often led to chaos, disputes, inaccuracy in data, difficulty in making reports and disorganization.

The issue of decentralized data had a detrimental effect on the company. It became too complicated for them to track and monitor much of their operations. The company was unable to tell in which direction it was going and whether they were on track or behind with their goals. Employees were wasting their time, energy, and productivity trying to figure out how they can manage their operations with such scattered data. Information was difficult to find, redundant, or unnecessary, and it consumed an enormous amount of the employees’ time trying to work around this obstacle. 

They decided that in order to move forward with their growth, they needed to make some changes. They desperately needed an ERP system that could integrate their current systems, and provide solutions for their operations that did not have a system.

Centralization and Growth

The solution was Odoo. Attracted to our user-friendly interface and affordable price, they began learning more about us. That is when they learned that, using our system, they could track all of the company’s workflows. It was exactly what they were looking for, they immediately chose us as their ERP solution provider. 

Today, they use our Accounting, Sales, CRM, Inventory, Purchase, Email Marketing, Marketing Automation, Help Desk and Leaves applications. Odoo helps them increase their focus on the core of their business, leaving behind repetitive, time-consuming labor for our software to deal with. They now have organized and centralized data that automatically updates and is accessible to all of their employees, regardless of which department they are in. 

Having centralized data has not only increased their efficiency and their organization, it has also increased the integrity of their data. This has allowed them to view their reports with more confidence and make accurate business decisions to help the company grow further. Ultimately, UC Solutions has found that this has led to reduced costs and increased profitability. 

“We are able to monitor all our operations from one interface, and export detailed reports with just a few clicks. All our operations related issues had been solved, and the integration between all our system’s applications led to more productivity and more focus on the core of the business across all company departments.”
                                                                     – Youssef Fahmy, Operations Manager at UC Solutions


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