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Talking Localizations: Navigating Accounting for Different Regions with Odoo
Lokasi: Auditorium 2000 A - 09/11/23 14.00 - 09/11/23 14.30 (Europe/Brussels) (30 menit)
Talking Localizations: Navigating Accounting for Different Regions with Odoo
Benjamin Stienon
Product Owner pada Odoo
Benjamin Stienon
Product Owner pada Odoo

Benjamin Stiénon is a Product Owner at Odoo. His scope covers Accounting, Localizations, and Bank Synchronization. In previous positions, he used to be a film producer, business analyst, management controller.... sometimes as an employee, sometimes as a Freelancer. He has been lucky enough to have several lives in one, experimenting with various sectors including performing arts, film, worker cooperatives, residential real estate, IT project management, and so much more!

Having the best possible accounting tool isn't enough: we also need to make it relevant to each territory, according to the specificities and practices of each one. In this talk, we'll take a look at a few concrete examples of the differences that can exist, forcing us to consider the specificities of each country.