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Odoo's Test Framework: Learn Best Practices
Lokasi: Studio 5 - 30/09/20 20.00 - 30/09/20 20.30 (Europe/Brussels) (30 menit)
Odoo's Test Framework: Learn Best Practices
Raphael Collet
Framework Developer at Odoo
Raphael Collet
Framework Developer at Odoo

Raphael, an Odooer since 2011, leads the team responsible for the server-side framework (ORM, HTTP/RPC controllers, tests), and Odoo-related tools (tests and runbot), being personally involved in the evolution of the ORM.

In this talk, you will be taken into Odoo's Test Framework to learn some best practices for testing Odoo modules, such as how to patch a model for a test, and how to test cases that make the current transaction fail, etc. Join us!


When is the transaction committed in a SavepointCase?
What does method save() on a form object return?