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Odoo - A Modern Age Tool for Digital Transformation
Functional Business
Lokasi: Seminar Hall 3, First Floor, Mahatma Mandir - 24/08/24 15.30 - 24/08/24 16.00 (Asia/Kolkata) (30 menit)
Rajneesh Kumar Vyas
Founder & CEO pada SunArc Technologies
Rajneesh Kumar Vyas
Founder & CEO pada SunArc Technologies

The entrepreneur with 24+ yrs of Indian & International experience in Business, IT, ERP, Consulting, Project Management, Strategic Decision Making, Business Development & Client Acquisition.
Strong business development professional with a Executive Program focused in Internet of Things: Business Implications and Opportunities from Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Sloan School of Management.

Founder & CEO of IT company, "SunArc Technologies"( based at India/US/Singapore. SunArc is providing end-to-end IT services & solutions in multiple industries and domains for the past 24+ years. Being a Trusted name, Surpassing the boundaries SunArc has been servicing all over from US, Singapore & India. With 3 development centers in India (Bikaner, Jaipur & Bangalore); 2 Sales offices in Singapore and US, it is focused on Next-Gen Digital Technologies.

This talk will cover how Odoo as Modern Age tool can help Digital Transformation across Small / Medium and Large enterprises. It will show real world implementation for Small / Medium and Large enterprises.