Saudi Arabia

iWesabe Technologies / اي ويساب للتقنيات
⭐️ Odoo AWARDS: / جوائز أودو
🏅 BEST PARTNER - MIDDLE EAST 2023 / افضل شريك بالشرق الاوسط ٢٠٢٣
🏅🏅Highest Revenue KSA 2022 & 2023 / أعلى الإيرادات في السعودية ٢٠٢٢- ٢٠٢٣
🏅🏅🏅Top Revenue Achiever KSA 2023 & 2024 / أعلى الإيرادات في السعودية ٢٠٢٣- ٢٠٢٤
⭐️⭐️ iWesabe proudly stands as the First and Only Partner in the Gulf region with Certifications for all Odoo versions, ranging from Version 10 to the latest Version 18.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Having Multilingual & Multinational Team. Strongest Odoo Gold Partner with highest Onsite Team operating from three major cities of Saudi Arabia. Jeddah, Riyadh & Al Khobar.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mobile: 📲 05 7090 5656
📲 Click to WhatsApp Company Profile iWesabe - Free Odoo Apps Contact - iWesabe
تعد شركة أنظمة عالمية مبتكرة لتقنية المعلومات شريك ذهبي لشركة اودو التي تحمل اسم العلامة التجارية آي وساب واحدة من الشركات الرائدة في تنفيذ تطبيق نظام اودو في المملكة العربية السعودية وفروعها بالبحرين والهند
نحن الشريك الاول والوحيد في منطقة الشرق الاوسط لشركه اودو الحاصل علي شهاده من الإصدار ١٠ إلى الإصدار ١٨
نحن شركة عالمية لتكنولوجيا المعلومات نقوم بصياغة حلول أعمال تكنولوجيا المعلومات الإستراتيجية التي تمكن من نجاح الأعمال. نحن نضمن تخطيط وتطوير وتنفيذ وتطبيق التقنيات والأنظمة الحالية والجديدة التي توفر عملية جمع وتخزين وتنظيم المعلومات لاسترجاعها في المستقبل وتبادلها واستخدامها وتسليمها. إن معرفة وفهم الاحتياجات الفريدة للعميل والقدرة على تحقيقها ليس فقط بما يرضيهم ولكن أيضًا في كثير من الأحيان يفوق التوقعات هو السمة المميزة لمؤسسة تركز على العملاء. في أي وساب ، نحن ملتزمون بتحقيق هذا المستوى من الأداء وتجاوزه دائمًا. نحن نكرس جهودنا لتقديم المنتجات والخدمات الأكثر ثقة وأعلى جودة في مجال خدمات تكنولوجيا المعلومات. باختصار ، نحن شركة حلول تقنية معلومات متكاملة. أي وساب بأقسامها المتعددة ، تقوم كل منها على الاهتمام بمجالات محددة. نحن نقدم مختلف الخدمات الأخرى التي تناسب احتياجاتك بأسعار معقولة وجودة ورضا مضمون.
الخبر: ksa@iwesabe.com
الجبيل: jubail@iwesabe.com
الرياض: riyadh@iwesabe.com
جده: jeddah@iwesabe.com
We are a Global IT company that crafts strategic IT business solutions enabling business success. We encompass on the planning, development, implementation and application of existing and new technologies and systems that provide for the process of collecting, storing, and organizing information for its future retrieval, exchange, use and delivery. Knowing and understanding a customer’s unique needs and being able to fulfill them not just to their satisfaction but also often beyond expectation is the hallmark of a customer-centric organization. At iWesabe, we are committed for achieving and exceeding this level of performance always. We are single-mindedly devoted to provide the most reliable and highest-quality of products and services in the realm of IT services. In short, we are a one-stop IT solutions company. iWesabe with its multiple sections, each concentrating on specific areas of interest.We provide various other services that suites your need at affordable prices,quality and satisfaction guaranteed.
Since our inception in 2007, we have pioneered custom solutions that have become central components in our client’s business success. Our vast technology and industry expertise enables us to partner with clients to deliver sophisticated solutions rapidly and on budget. For us, it is not only about delivering IT services, but also about playing a part in business efforts to shape a brighter and smarter future.
We build end-to-end integrated solutions for a complete automation experience that promotes business growth. Our solutions range over multiple domains including ERP systems, custom built solutions for Web/Mobile and dedicated product builds. We have a definite focus on ERP implementation using OpenERP / Odoo and are equipped with the right resources and expertise to streamline and perfect software for your business.
Clients who bring their business to us are guaranteed to be satisfied. We treat every project with complete dedication and believe that no venture is too big or too small.
There are various factors that make us one of the most admirable and highly accredited names in the worldwide Odoo / OpenERP industry today. We offer result oriented and satisfactorily services to our clients since we have full faith in our hard work, passion, commitment and dedication. Our services are most reliable ones for our clients due to the punctuality and high discipline we employ in our work.
Our mission has always been to serve the best of the best to our clients. With our dedication, hard work and self belief, iWesabe claims to provide industry’s top notch quality Odoo / OpenERP at highly pocket friendly rates. Our software will not only solve the problems and challenges your team faces but will also help in enhancing & augmenting the business growth effectively and efficiently.
We build highly affordable custom software for companies large and small. By applying modern design principles, in conjunction with the latest in cloud, mobile, and desktop technologies, we create tailored solutions that connect co-workers with each other and companies with their customers, simplify and accelerate business processes, and lower costs.
Contact us at your comfortable destinations:
KHOBAR: ksa@iwesabe.com
JUBAIL: jubail@iwesabe.com
RIYADH: riyadh@iwesabe.com
JEDDAH: jeddah@iwesabe.com
It’s the exclusive agent and distributor of several European and American companies, including Bonosan, Saringer, Bio-composites, and Bone Bank Allografts within Saudi Arabia. Put to work a professional medical-oriented team of doctors and pharmacists subjected to comprehensive internal training programs to promote a whole range of products to different specialties working in the private, institutional, and governmental sectors. AFAMED’s scope of coverage includes most common specialties orthopedics, internists, pediatricians, OB/gynecologists, ENT, dermatologists, surgeons, GPs, dentists, and physiotherapists.
Being the agent of synthetic bone graft and allograft companies urged AFAMED to devote most of its human and financial resources to the orthopedics & trauma sector. The main office is located in Jeddah, together with other branches located in Riyadh, Makkah, Madinah, Taif, Abha, Qassim, Al-Khobar, and the Southern region, serving the entire Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
ADDAMEGH GROUP is recognized in the industrial market as guaranteed, recommended and reliable for its genuine products and services and dedicated firmly to its motto and further to accepted ideals of other advanced corporate with a view to maintaining its fame in the industrial market.
We continued to expand and spread in Kuwait and the Gulf to provide high quality coffee using air roasting using the latest and highest quality “Loring” roasters, targeting lovers of specialized coffee, so that our coffee would become for them like breathable air.
Air Roastery is located in the State of
Kuwait, Shuwaikh Industrial Area,
and has a platform for selling individuals
and wholesale through the store or website
يتمثل نشاط الشركة في عدة مجالات متخصصة في:
الأثاث المنزلـي
الأثاث المكتبي
السجاد والموكيت
السـتائر والديكـور
رؤية الشركة
أن تكون شركة مفروشات العبد اللطيف رائدة في مجالها ومن الداعمين للاقتصاد الوطني
رسالة الشركة
نسعى لتقديم أفضل الخدمات للمستهلك والشركات من خلال توفير الأحدث والأرقى في عالم الأثاث المنزلي والمكتبي والسجاد والموكيت
It is a growth oriented organization, which continues to grow and meet the Kingdoms development goals supporting The Vision 2030.
The factory is a part of the prestigious Kafeir group, one of the leading and diversified business groups in the Kingdom with a tradition of 70 years. It is an inherited family business which incorporates local and International trading, processing, Imports and Exports of fresh as well as frozen seafood.
المطبعة الحديثة
حلول طباعة شاملة مخصصة
المطبعة الحديثة هي إحدى المطابع الرائدة في المملكة العربية السعودية. تأسست عام 1974 في مدينة الخبر بالمنطقة الشرقية بالمملكة العربية السعودية ، صورة 01
مع حوالي 40 عامًا من الخبرة العملية ، نحن نفهم تمامًا سوقنا وعملائنا ومعظم متطلباتهم. نحن نسعى جاهدين ليس فقط لمطابقة ولكن تجاوز توقعات عملائنا وتلبية جميع احتياجاتهم من مواد مطبوعة عالية الجودة بكفاءة وتنافسية.
رضا عملائنا هو أولوية بالنسبة لنا. إنها حقيقة أن معظم عملائنا هم عملاء منتظمون (تكرار الأعمال) ونحن نقدم لهم أفضل خدماتنا لسنوات عديدة. هذا هو السبب الرئيسي وراء نجاحنا.
نحن نتطلع باستمرار ونستثمر في تطوير أعمالنا من أجل تقديم أفضل المطبوعات والخدمات عالية الجودة. نستثمر في جوانب مختلفة مثل قدراتنا وآلاتنا وتقنياتنا وتقنياتنا وتصاميمنا وموظفينا ومواهبنا ومهاراتنا ... إلخ.
شعرنا مؤخرًا بالحاجة إلى تطوير / توسع كبير للتوافق مع احتياجات السوق والعملاء وتوقعات المنتجات ذات الجودة الأفضل والتسليم السريع ، لذلك قمنا بنقل عملياتنا إلى المدينة الصناعية الثانية في الدمام. الموقع الجديد 2000 متر مربع ، مجهز بالكامل بكل ما هو مطلوب لتلبية جميع احتياجات عملائنا (قسم تصميم داخلي محترف ، آلات طباعة مختلفة (أوفست ، رقمية وتجليد) وموظفين مهرة إضافيين. مع هذا التطور نحن مستعدون لخدمة القطاع التجاري وكذلك الصناعي
Alma Glass possesses Three (3) Flat Glass Tempering Furnaces being upgraded to meet the Low-E glass requirement in the market that cover Saudi Arabia's demand in the Western and Eastern regions and to cater to the demand in the neighboring Gulf countries. We have improved our machinery by having an automatic cutting machine for Low-E glass and for mass production.
It provides an additional value to its clients represented in the perfect quality of services, high welfare, comfort, safety and efficient management.
نحن مصدر إلهام لبناء مؤسستنا كعلامة تجارية للابتكار والتميز والاحتراف.
نجحنا في اكتساب المواهب المتميزة على عدة مستويات لقيادة وتقديم مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية التنظيمية. جنبًا إلى جنب مع الجزيئات الفريدة التي تم إعدادها في خط الأنابيب ، بدأنا إطلاق شركتنا بنجاح في عام 2015.
لا يركز فريق الإدارة لدينا على الأهداف المالية فحسب ، بل إنه مصمم أيضًا على إنشاء ثقافة عمل فريدة وقواعد سلوك ملهمة من خلال قيمنا الأساسية.
in Cartella rosa We believe shoes are more than just shoes, because we know your life is more than just footsteps.
Kasab International is a specialized, privately owned energy service company with over 10 years of experience. Provide specialized solutions for both the upstream and downstream sectors, in Middle East Market. Through the JV partnership with international pioneer companies, Kasab International provides variety of solutions for the upstream, such as drill bit’s downhole Survey solutions, Downhole rental tools, mud chemicals, Patented Frac additives, and Inspection services for both upstream and downstream.
We are currently supplying all third party institutional hospitals, private hospitals, pharmacies as well as servicing the dental community with wide varieties of high quality products
مجموعة محلات مستورد ومخفض عبارة عن فريق سعودي واعد, رسم الحلم من سنوات والان نعيش الحلم بأجمل حله.
مجموعة محلات مستورد ومخفض تضمن لكم منتجات أصليه بدون منازع مع أفضل الأسعار, يختص في العناية الشخصية وايضاً بالحيوانات الأليفة بجانب متطلبات منزلية مثل المنظفات.
Our journey began in 2005, we evolved from pioneers in providing telecom operator services to individual clients to become expert system integrators, providing end-to-end fiber optics network and landline in various regions in the Kingdom. And we believe that there is no substitute for human capital, so our highly qualified, experienced, and dedicated teams are the driving force behind the transformation from a strategic vision, it was launched from Riyadh city, into a company with more than 350 employees, with branches in Jeddah and Al Khobar and we look forward to spreading our services to other cities in the Kingdom.
The company was incorporated in the year 1978. Around 70 engineers, technicians and administrators are employed. At Water Projects Saudi Arabia company we conduct business with ethics and integrity, we are proud of the products and the services we provide. Our goals are commuted to high standards of quality and sound services.
The company has been successfully engaged in many Water Treatment contracts since it was established throughout Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen, Kuwait and Bahrain. The company supplied many plants where successful plant performance is based on good engineering design.
⭐️⭐️ 📲 05 7090 5656
⭐️⭐️⭐️ iWesabe proudly stands as First and Only Partner in the Gulf with Certifications for all Odoo versions, ranging from Version 10 to the latest Version 18.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Having Multilingual & Multinational Team. Strongest Odoo Gold Partner with highest Onsite Team operating from three major cities of Saudi Arabia. Jeddah, Riyadh & Al Khobar.
You may choose any of the below channels to reach us:
Website: www.iwesabe.com
Khobar: ksa@iwesabe.com
Jubail: jubail@iwesabe.com
Riyadh: riyadh@iwesabe.com
Jeddah: jeddah@iwesabe.com
تاجير دراجات نارية 2- صيانة دراجات نارية 3 - بيع دراجات ناري
It was established in 2005 to raise quality and service standards to all your requirements in Saudi Arabia and the world.
The name of Studio coming from film size 35mm the standard and original history of Photography world.