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iWesabe Technologies / اي ويساب للتقنيات
Building: 3884, First Street
Saudi Arabia
+966 57 090 5656

iWesabe Technologies / اي ويساب للتقنيات

⭐️ Odoo AWARDS: / جوائز أودو

🏅 BEST PARTNER - MIDDLE EAST 2023 / افضل شريك بالشرق الاوسط ٢٠٢٣ 

🏅🏅Highest Revenue KSA​  2022 & 2023 / أعلى الإيرادات في السعودية ٢٠٢٢- ٢٠٢٣

🏅🏅🏅Top Revenue Achiever KSA​  2023 & 2024 / أعلى الإيرادات في السعودية ٢٠٢٣- ٢٠٢٤

⭐️⭐️ iWesabe proudly stands as the First and Only Partner in the Gulf region with Certifications for all Odoo versions, ranging from Version 10 to the latest Version 18.

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Having Multilingual & Multinational Team. Strongest Odoo Gold Partner with highest Onsite Team operating from three major cities of Saudi Arabia. Jeddah, Riyadh & Al Khobar.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mobile: 📲 05 7090 5656

📲 Click to WhatsApp  Company Profile iWesabe - Free Odoo Apps Contact - iWesabe

تعد شركة أنظمة عالمية مبتكرة لتقنية المعلومات شريك ذهبي لشركة اودو التي تحمل اسم العلامة التجارية آي وساب واحدة من الشركات الرائدة في تنفيذ تطبيق نظام اودو في المملكة العربية السعودية وفروعها بالبحرين والهند 
نحن الشريك الاول والوحيد في منطقة الشرق الاوسط لشركه اودو الحاصل علي شهاده من الإصدار ١٠ إلى الإصدار ١٨

        نحن شركة عالمية لتكنولوجيا المعلومات نقوم بصياغة حلول أعمال تكنولوجيا المعلومات الإستراتيجية التي تمكن من نجاح الأعمال. نحن نضمن تخطيط وتطوير وتنفيذ وتطبيق التقنيات والأنظمة الحالية والجديدة التي توفر عملية جمع وتخزين وتنظيم المعلومات لاسترجاعها في المستقبل وتبادلها واستخدامها وتسليمها. إن معرفة وفهم الاحتياجات الفريدة للعميل والقدرة على تحقيقها ليس فقط بما يرضيهم ولكن أيضًا في كثير من الأحيان يفوق التوقعات هو السمة المميزة لمؤسسة تركز على العملاء. في أي وساب ، نحن ملتزمون بتحقيق هذا المستوى من الأداء وتجاوزه دائمًا. نحن نكرس جهودنا لتقديم المنتجات والخدمات الأكثر ثقة وأعلى جودة في مجال خدمات تكنولوجيا المعلومات. باختصار ، نحن شركة حلول تقنية معلومات متكاملة. أي وساب بأقسامها المتعددة ، تقوم كل منها على الاهتمام بمجالات محددة. نحن نقدم مختلف الخدمات الأخرى التي تناسب احتياجاتك بأسعار معقولة وجودة ورضا مضمون.





        We are a Global IT company that crafts strategic IT business solutions enabling business success. We encompass on the planning, development, implementation and application of existing and new technologies and systems that provide for the process of collecting, storing, and organizing information for its future retrieval, exchange, use and delivery. Knowing and understanding a customer’s unique needs and being able to fulfill them not just to their satisfaction but also often beyond expectation is the hallmark of a customer-centric organization. At iWesabe, we are committed for achieving and exceeding this level of performance always. We are single-mindedly devoted to provide the most reliable and highest-quality of products and services in the realm of IT services. In short, we are a one-stop IT solutions company. iWesabe with its multiple sections, each concentrating on specific areas of interest.We provide various other services that suites your need at affordable prices,quality and satisfaction guaranteed.  

    Since our inception in 2007, we have pioneered custom solutions that have become central components in our client’s business success. Our vast technology and industry expertise enables us to partner with clients to deliver sophisticated solutions rapidly and on budget. For us, it is not only about delivering IT services, but also about playing a part in business efforts to shape a brighter and smarter future.  

     We build end-to-end integrated solutions for a complete automation experience that promotes business growth. Our solutions range over multiple domains including ERP systems, custom built solutions for Web/Mobile and dedicated product builds. We have a definite focus on ERP implementation using OpenERP / Odoo and are equipped with the right resources and expertise to streamline and perfect software for your business.  

         Clients who bring their business to us are guaranteed to be satisfied. We treat every project with complete dedication and believe that no venture is too big or too small.  

      There are various factors that make us one of the most admirable and highly accredited names in the worldwide Odoo / OpenERP industry today. We offer result oriented and satisfactorily services to our clients since we have full faith in our hard work, passion, commitment and dedication. Our services are most reliable ones for our clients due to the punctuality and high discipline we employ in our work.  

     Our mission has always been to serve the best of the best to our clients. With our dedication, hard work and self belief, iWesabe claims to provide industry’s top notch quality Odoo / OpenERP at highly pocket friendly rates. Our software will not only solve the problems and challenges your team faces but will also help in enhancing & augmenting the business growth effectively and efficiently.  

      We build highly affordable custom software for companies large and small. By applying modern design principles, in conjunction with the latest in cloud, mobile, and desktop technologies, we create tailored solutions that connect co-workers with each other and companies with their customers, simplify and accelerate business processes, and lower costs. 

Contact us at your comfortable destinations: 






AFA Medicals
AFA Medicals Ilmiah
AFAMED is a fast-growing medical enterprise established in 1999, working in the field of cosmomedicals, medical devices, and human bone grafts.

It’s the exclusive agent and distributor of several European and American companies, including Bonosan, Saringer, Bio-composites, and Bone Bank Allografts within Saudi Arabia. Put to work a professional medical-oriented team of doctors and pharmacists subjected to comprehensive internal training programs to promote a whole range of products to different specialties working in the private, institutional, and governmental sectors. AFAMED’s scope of coverage includes most common specialties orthopedics, internists, pediatricians, OB/gynecologists, ENT, dermatologists, surgeons, GPs, dentists, and physiotherapists.

Being the agent of synthetic bone graft and allograft companies urged AFAMED to devote most of its human and financial resources to the orthopedics & trauma sector. The main office is located in Jeddah, together with other branches located in Riyadh, Makkah, Madinah, Taif, Abha, Qassim, Al-Khobar, and the Southern region, serving the entire Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Abdallah AlKhiary
Abdallah AlKhiary Suplai energi
ld Snow for contracting is a highly motivated, professional team, specialized in HVAC Maintenance and Building services.

Abdul Qadeer Khan
Abdul Qadeer Khan Layanan Lain
Addamegh Group
Addamegh Group Produksi
ADDAMEGH GROUP, operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, having its base office in Dammam, has been existent since 1989. They have been focusing exclusively on business interest ranging from Hydraulic and Pneumatic to Complete Compressed Air System and Elevators and Escalators and Railway Industry.
ADDAMEGH GROUP is recognized in the industrial market as guaranteed, recommended and reliable for its genuine products and services and dedicated firmly to its motto and further to accepted ideals of other advanced corporate with a view to maintaining its fame in the industrial market.
Adwaa Al-Jazeerah
Adwaa Al-Jazeerah Grosir/Eceran
Ahmed Grosir/Eceran
Air Roastery
Air Roastery Makanan
We started with our passion and love for coffee since 2018.
We continued to expand and spread in Kuwait and the Gulf to provide high quality coffee using air roasting using the latest and highest quality “Loring” roasters, targeting lovers of specialized coffee, so that our coffee would become for them like breathable air.
Air Roastery is located in the State of
Kuwait, Shuwaikh Industrial Area,
and has a platform for selling individuals
and wholesale through the store or website
Al Abdullatif Furniture
Al Abdullatif Furniture Produksi
نشاط الشركة
يتمثل نشاط الشركة في عدة مجالات متخصصة في:
الأثاث المنزلـي
الأثاث المكتبي
السجاد والموكيت
السـتائر والديكـور
رؤية الشركة
أن تكون شركة مفروشات العبد اللطيف رائدة في مجالها ومن الداعمين للاقتصاد الوطني
رسالة الشركة
نسعى لتقديم أفضل الخدمات للمستهلك والشركات من خلال توفير الأحدث والأرقى في عالم الأثاث المنزلي والمكتبي والسجاد والموكيت
Al Aswad Trading & Contracting Co.
Al Aswad Trading & Contracting Co. Konstruksi
Aswad Group of Companies started with the establishment of a commercial and contracting business in 1978 by its Founder and Chairman Engr. Hazem Fayez Aswad. It has grown into a group of companies, which serves multiple Industrial, commercial, manufacturing and construction business segments in Saudi Arabia.

It is a growth oriented organization, which continues to grow and meet the Kingdoms development goals supporting The Vision 2030.
Al Hazm
Al Hazm Produksi
Al Khazar Fishiries Factory
Al Khazar Fishiries Factory Makanan
Al-Khazar Fisheries Factory is a leading Seafood processor and importer located in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, close to Qatif Fish Market, the biggest Raw Material resources in Middle East. The Factory has set the highest standards in quality among the seafood industry in the Kingdom. Known for its leadership and commitment to providing quality seafood, Al Khazar has obtained recognition in national and international market.

The factory is a part of the prestigious Kafeir group, one of the leading and diversified business groups in the Kingdom with a tradition of 70 years. It is an inherited family business which incorporates local and International trading, processing, Imports and Exports of fresh as well as frozen seafood.
Al Sarh Al Methali Trading Company
Al Sarh Al Methali Trading Company Produksi

المطبعة الحديثة
حلول طباعة شاملة مخصصة
المطبعة الحديثة هي إحدى المطابع الرائدة في المملكة العربية السعودية. تأسست عام 1974 في مدينة الخبر بالمنطقة الشرقية بالمملكة العربية السعودية ، صورة 01
مع حوالي 40 عامًا من الخبرة العملية ، نحن نفهم تمامًا سوقنا وعملائنا ومعظم متطلباتهم. نحن نسعى جاهدين ليس فقط لمطابقة ولكن تجاوز توقعات عملائنا وتلبية جميع احتياجاتهم من مواد مطبوعة عالية الجودة بكفاءة وتنافسية.
رضا عملائنا هو أولوية بالنسبة لنا. إنها حقيقة أن معظم عملائنا هم عملاء منتظمون (تكرار الأعمال) ونحن نقدم لهم أفضل خدماتنا لسنوات عديدة. هذا هو السبب الرئيسي وراء نجاحنا.
نحن نتطلع باستمرار ونستثمر في تطوير أعمالنا من أجل تقديم أفضل المطبوعات والخدمات عالية الجودة. نستثمر في جوانب مختلفة مثل قدراتنا وآلاتنا وتقنياتنا وتقنياتنا وتصاميمنا وموظفينا ومواهبنا ومهاراتنا ... إلخ.
شعرنا مؤخرًا بالحاجة إلى تطوير / توسع كبير للتوافق مع احتياجات السوق والعملاء وتوقعات المنتجات ذات الجودة الأفضل والتسليم السريع ، لذلك قمنا بنقل عملياتنا إلى المدينة الصناعية الثانية في الدمام. الموقع الجديد 2000 متر مربع ، مجهز بالكامل بكل ما هو مطلوب لتلبية جميع احتياجات عملائنا (قسم تصميم داخلي محترف ، آلات طباعة مختلفة (أوفست ، رقمية وتجليد) وموظفين مهرة إضافيين. مع هذا التطور نحن مستعدون لخدمة القطاع التجاري وكذلك الصناعي
Al-Saeed Industrial and Medical Gases Company
Al-Saeed Industrial and Medical Gases Company Suplai energi
Al Saeed Gases Company is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of medical and industrial gases in Saudi Arabia. It offers a wide range of pure and mixed gases. Our long experience, high-quality product range, well-selected staff, excellent customer service, locations of our branches, and reliable operations infrastructure ensure that your gases are manufactured reliably and delivered on time… guaranteed! We produces and supplies high-quality medical gases to hospitals and healthcare centers. We also supplies and installs liquid medical gases (cryogenic) tanks, and performs maintenance as well.
AlMoajil Holding
AlMoajil Holding Layanan Lain
Abdulaziz & Saad Al Moajil Co. was established in 1928 as a collective partnership company between the two brothers Abdulaziz & Saad and started functioning as a food stuff import company. During its century long successful operation, the company diversified into various fields such as Real estate, manufacturing, international manufacturers’ representation, Trading, Furniture, Foreign & Domestic Investments etc. Besides the company is a shareholder of many reputed Saudi Joint stock companies in different fields such as industry, agriculture, services, banking & finance, trade & commerce etc. Today Abdulaziz & Saad Al-Moajil is one of the leading commercial institutions, with extensive operation presence throughout the kingdom and other gulf countries.
AlYaum Layanan Lain
Dar Al-Youm for Press, Printing and Publishing occupies a distinguished place among its sister press institutions, which enjoy state sponsorship represented by the Ministry of Information. This newspaper began its journey with the issuance of the Press Institutions Law in 1383 AH, when a group of loyal men thought of issuing a newspaper in the region. The first issue was issued on Shawwal 20, 1384 AH, corresponding to February 21, 1965 AD. It was issued once a week with eight pages. From Issue No. 164, dated 2 Dhu al-Hijjah 1385 AH corresponding to March 24, 1966 AD. Then it began to be published three times a week, starting from issue number 514, and the date of Rajab 19 1391 AH corresponding to September 8, 1971 AD with twelve pages. Then it turned into a daily newspaper as of Issue No. 1320, dated Rajab 29 1398 AH corresponding to June 4, 1978 AD. Its pages exceed forty and are unique in specialized daily and weekly supplements that distinguished them among newspapers.
Alfajr AlMashaa
Alfajr AlMashaa Grosir/Eceran
Alma Glass
Alma Glass Produksi

Alma Glass possesses Three (3) Flat Glass Tempering Furnaces being upgraded to meet the Low-E glass requirement in the market that cover Saudi Arabia's demand in the Western and Eastern regions and to cater to the demand in the neighboring Gulf countries. We have improved our machinery by having an automatic cutting machine for Low-E glass and for mass production.
Arabian Rawahel Express
Arabian Rawahel Express Grosir/Eceran
Rawahel Al-Mashaer Company was established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in August 2008 for the purpose of transporting people across the different regions of the Kingdom. It focuses on providing transportation services during Pilgrimage (Hajj and Omrah) seasons in terms of shuttles between the sacred places in Holy Makkah and Madina.
It provides an additional value to its clients represented in the perfect quality of services, high welfare, comfort, safety and efficient management.
Bioremedy Pharma
Bioremedy Pharma Kesehatan/Sosial
و ريميدي فارما هي شركة صيدلانية سعودية وطنية تتمتع بخبرة ضخمة متعددة الجنسيات ورؤية عالمية Bio-Remedy pharma تأسست في عام 2015 ، تأسست من قبل مجموعة محددة من الشركاء لتكون نموذجًا تجاريًا فريدًا في صناعة الرعاية الصحية في المملكة العربية السعودية.
نحن مصدر إلهام لبناء مؤسستنا كعلامة تجارية للابتكار والتميز والاحتراف.
نجحنا في اكتساب المواهب المتميزة على عدة مستويات لقيادة وتقديم مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية التنظيمية. جنبًا إلى جنب مع الجزيئات الفريدة التي تم إعدادها في خط الأنابيب ، بدأنا إطلاق شركتنا بنجاح في عام 2015.
لا يركز فريق الإدارة لدينا على الأهداف المالية فحسب ، بل إنه مصمم أيضًا على إنشاء ثقافة عمل فريدة وقواعد سلوك ملهمة من خلال قيمنا الأساسية.
Care Pro
Care Pro Suplai energi
شركة عناية المحترفة للصيانة والنظافة هي احدي الشركات الرائدة في مجال الصيانة والتشغيل حيث تتفرد شركة عناية بتقديم افضل خدمات التشغيل والصيانة اعتمادا علي خبراتها المتراكمه وكوادرها المختارة بعنايه
Charmaleena Jewellery
Charmaleena Jewellery Grosir/Eceran
Charmaleena Fine Jewellery is a Saudi design house based in the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Founded in 2012, at the soul of the brand is an originality and playfulness that connects with women everywhere. The pieces are designed to be enjoyed every day; engineered with flexibility pieces can be layered, mixed and matched, worn together or individually in unique ways that allow you to create your own story and your own style. Unique to fine jewellery, some of our signature pieces transform from charming daytime pendants into an elegant pair of earrings. The perfect piece of jewellery now becomes two! We welcome you to discover the beauty and charm that lies within our Jewellery and make it part of your everyday life."
Dar Doof Paints Company
Dar Doof Paints Company Produksi
Dar Doof factory is a big company in Saudi Arabia which is for paints and finishing materials. It is pleased to be attached to your Excellency technical bulletins for our products of paints against bacteria, paints putty, the profile of all colours, primer, the plastic of all colours, the basis of internal and external, Oil colours, Alexei, insulator surfaces.
Enjaz Grosir/Eceran
Cartella Rosa is A Saudi brand specialised in trading women's bags and shoes with high-end Turkish quality,
in Cartella rosa We believe shoes are more than just shoes, because we know your life is more than just footsteps.
Eram International Trading Co.
Eram International Trading Co.
Eram international established in 2016, to deliver the best of what potential global companies offer by attracting expertise and establishing partnerships that enhance returns of investment and makes a difference in the fields of entertainment and hospitality.
Fitness Skills Co
Fitness Skills Co Entertainment
Gulf Haulage Company
Gulf Haulage Company Produksi
GULF HAULAGE HEAVY LIFT Co (GHHL) is a company operating since 1983, and is the market leader in the heavy transportation and lifting industry in Saudi Arabia and Middle East. Today it owns 300 axle-line of hydraulic modular platform trailers including self propelled modular trailers and cranes upto the lifting capacity of 2000t in addition to other lifting and heavy haulage equipment.
Hamza Bakhsh
Hamza Bakhsh Makanan
American restaurant in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Harariyat Produksi
Arabian Refractories Factory Co. – HARARIYAT is a 100% Saudi owned closed stock company, located in Dammam 2nd Industrial City, Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. HARARIYAT is engaged in the manufacture and supply of refractory materials to the GCC (The Arab States of Gulf Cooperation Council) and regional steel and related industries since 1993.
Integrated Power for Information Technology (iPower)
Integrated Power for Information Technology (iPower) IT/Komunikasi
iPower has been strengthening industrial operations in the Kingdom by providing businesses with technological advantages. With a local presence and global capabilities, the company specializes in offering a range of IT solutions and services, from installations, warehousing, digital signage to data centers, IT products, and technical manpower provisions.
Kasab International
Kasab International Keuangan/Asuransi
Experience people with over 25 years in oil and Gas industry set up Kasab International to provide neither Products nor Services but Solutions that oil and gas market in the Middle East needs.
Kasab International is a specialized, privately owned energy service company with over 10 years of experience. Provide specialized solutions for both the upstream and downstream sectors, in Middle East Market. Through the JV partnership with international pioneer companies, Kasab International provides variety of solutions for the upstream, such as drill bit’s downhole Survey solutions, Downhole rental tools, mud chemicals, Patented Frac additives, and Inspection services for both upstream and downstream.
Mazaq Makanan
Mirad united company
Mirad united company Makanan
We are a Saudi limited company established in 2007 with a strong vision in the field of restaurant and coffee shops. We started our business as a franchisee for Cinnzeo® Bakery Shop and successfully expanded with three branches within few years. Based on our outstanding performance in business and gained experience, we became also the franchisee of SHAWARMER® and running 6 branches in Jubail, Khafji and Hafar Albaten cities. And lately we have added Oakberry® franchise to our excited journey and opened the first branch in Khobar city. Mirad is still continuing its journey with passion and determination, and much more will come soon.
Mohammad sobhi
Mohammad sobhi Agrikultur
شركة متخصصة في تصنيع وإنتاج خراطيم الري التي تعمل بنظام التنقيط. يتميز هذا المصنع بتقديم منتجات عالية الجودة وفعالة في استخدام الماء، مما يساهم في تحقيق الاستدامة البيئية وتوفير المياه.

Motive international contracting company
Motive international contracting company Konstruksi
Contracting company who does mechanical electrical plumbing finishing and fit out (MEP- civil-fit out)
Nami3dp Produksi
NAMI is a Saudi additive manufacturing company launched in Nov 2022 by 3D Systems and Dussur. We aim to be a top 5 additive manufacturing service by 2030 and localize manufacturing in the industrial and medical sectors by providing a digital manufacturing platform that facilitates access to reliable industrial-grade technologies and application engineers, maximizing local adoption of 3D printing.
Plasticap is a manufacturer of speciality caps and closures for a number of vertical markets, including Food, Dairy, Beverages, Condiments, Industrial, Petro-Chemical, Medical and Pharmaceutical.
PSC Saudi
PSC Saudi Konstruksi
Planet Eco Building Materials LLC.
Planet Eco Building Materials LLC. Konstruksi
Planeteco is your supermart and one-stop solution for almost every construction material in Dubai. leading name and the best building materials company in Dubai.
Qomel Company Ltd
Qomel Company Ltd Grosir/Eceran
With branch offices in Red Sea port of Jeddah and Dammam in the east coast, The main offices and warehouse is located in Riyadh.
We are currently supplying all third party institutional hospitals, private hospitals, pharmacies as well as servicing the dental community with wide varieties of high quality products
Ruwwad al-Hirfah al-Mutamayyizah For Trading Company
Ruwwad al-Hirfah al-Mutamayyizah For Trading Company Grosir/Eceran
Hewar Art Gallery is located in the heart of Riyadh, the capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Hewar is a home for Arab modern and contemporary art.
Safa Investment
Safa Investment Konstruksi
تجمع متكامل لكفاءات وطنية وخبرات ممتدة من بيوت الخبرة والصناعة العقارية في المملكة. جاءت صفا للاستثمار لتكون نموذجًا وطنيًا رائدًا ومواكبًا لآخر الهندسات في عالم البناء وأحدث إبداعات التقنية وتقديمها بأبهى منتج يستحقه العميل وجودة لا تجارى

Saudi Doors
Saudi Doors Produksi
Shati Alwasl
Shati Alwasl Grosir/Eceran
مستور ومخفض
مجموعة محلات مستورد ومخفض عبارة عن فريق سعودي واعد, رسم الحلم من سنوات والان نعيش الحلم بأجمل حله.
مجموعة محلات مستورد ومخفض تضمن لكم منتجات أصليه بدون منازع مع أفضل الأسعار, يختص في العناية الشخصية وايضاً بالحيوانات الأليفة بجانب متطلبات منزلية مثل المنظفات.
Teleway Suplai energi
Teleway is adopting the philosophy of combining the telecom and the technology partnership with the service providers in order to propose the full service to customers.
Our journey began in 2005, we evolved from pioneers in providing telecom operator services to individual clients to become expert system integrators, providing end-to-end fiber optics network and landline in various regions in the Kingdom. And we believe that there is no substitute for human capital, so our highly qualified, experienced, and dedicated teams are the driving force behind the transformation from a strategic vision, it was launched from Riyadh city, into a company with more than 350 employees, with branches in Jeddah and Al Khobar and we look forward to spreading our services to other cities in the Kingdom.
Three trees
Three trees Makanan
8oz Coffee Shop is one of the most famous cafes in the Eastern region. Additionally, they have other locations outside of the Eastern region. 8oz offers a range of high-quality specialty coffees in addition to croissants for breakfast. The interior of the cafe is spacious and classy, with greenery and plenty of sunlight.
Tricycle Coffee Roasters
Tricycle Coffee Roasters Makanan
تتميز شركة العجلات الثلاث بحضور علامتها التجارية Tricycle في مجال القهوة المختصة، وتنشط في مجال صناعة الأغذية وتجارة التجزئة والمقاهي. تعدّ شركة Tricycle أحد الرواد في مجال القهوة المختصة في المنطقة الشرقية وتعمل في مبيعات التجزئة والجملة لتقديم منتجاتها حول المملكة ودول الخليج.
United Beta Industries
United Beta Industries Produksi
UBI is the first company in the region to produce high-quality Pharma Grade Ethanol of 99.9% purity, used in various pharmaceutical, sanitizers, washing fluid (detergents), Industrial chemicals, topical disinfectants, solvents, and perfume industries, in addition to many laboratory applications.
A Saudi site that provides you with all care and beauty supplies with a unique shopping experience by providing the best original international brands 100% at competitive prices under one roof with shipping and delivery to all regions of the Kingdom.
Water Projects Saudi Arabia Ltd.
Water Projects Saudi Arabia Ltd. Sumber Air
We introduce our company as a reliable manufacturer, dealer and service provider in the water treatment industry. Water Projects Saudi Arabia Ltd. is a 100% Saudi owned company. The main company shareholders are H.H. Prince Faisal Bin Abdul Aziz and managing director Dr. Ali Abdul Rahman Al Khalaf.

The company was incorporated in the year 1978. Around 70 engineers, technicians and administrators are employed. At Water Projects Saudi Arabia company we conduct business with ethics and integrity, we are proud of the products and the services we provide. Our goals are commuted to high standards of quality and sound services.

The company has been successfully engaged in many Water Treatment contracts since it was established throughout Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen, Kuwait and Bahrain. The company supplied many plants where successful plant performance is based on good engineering design.
iWesabe Technologies / اي ويساب للتقنيات
iWesabe Technologies / اي ويساب للتقنيات IT/Komunikasi
⭐️ Odoo AWARDS / جوائز أودو 🏅BEST PARTNER - MIDDLE EAST 2023 / افضل شريك بالشرق الاوسط ٢٠٢٣ 🏅🏅 Highest Revenue KSA​ 2022 & 2023 / أعلى الإيرادات في السعودية ٢٠٢٢- ٢٠٢٣ 🏅🏅🏅Top Revenue Achiever KSA​  2023 & 2024 / أعلى الإيرادات في السعودية ٢٠٢٣- ٢٠٢٤
⭐️⭐️ 📲 05 7090 5656
⭐️⭐️⭐️ iWesabe proudly stands as First and Only Partner in the Gulf with Certifications for all Odoo versions, ranging from Version 10 to the latest Version 18.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Having Multilingual & Multinational Team. Strongest Odoo Gold Partner with highest Onsite Team operating from three major cities of Saudi Arabia. Jeddah, Riyadh & Al Khobar.

You may choose any of the below channels to reach us:


Work began as an individual institution in 1969 in the center of Riyadh by importing jewelry boxes and household appliances, and in 1991 it turned into a limited liability company in the second industrial city in Riyadh, and during the five decades, we pride ourselves in providing high quality plastic products.
شركة أرتال الفندقية
شركة أرتال الفندقية Real Estate
​​​​​​​Artal Hotels Company was established in 2015 to meet the requirements of the Umrah and domestic tourism market. It is owned by the Qawaa'id Al-Inmaa Holding Company, and its first hotel, Artal Taiba, was operated and managed by Artal Taiba, followed by Artal Al-Madinah, and Artal Al-Aalami. The plan is to continue expanding until reaching a total of 50 hotels across the Kingdom.​​​​​​​
شركة الارتقاء المستمر للتجارة
شركة الارتقاء المستمر للتجارة Transportasi/Logistik
نحن شركة متخصصة في مجال بيع تاجير وصيانة الدراجات النارية .
تاجير دراجات نارية 2- صيانة دراجات نارية 3 - بيع دراجات ناري
شركة خمسة ثلاثين للإنتاج الإعلامي المرئي والمسموع
شركة خمسة ثلاثين للإنتاج الإعلامي المرئي والمسموع Entertainment
35studio stands as a complete Photography and Media production service provider in Saudi Arabia.

It was established in 2005 to raise quality and service standards to all your requirements in Saudi Arabia and the world.

The name of Studio coming from film size 35mm the standard and original history of Photography world.