Arplama is specialized in the development and production of lightweight products with high mechanical properties, by using composite materials. The company has been in operation for more than 35 years doing quality products and being an one stop shopping for its clients starting from engineering up to the finished product. cover the entire spectrum of plastics components. ProduksiBELFORM PROD SRL
Belform is a Romanian company specialized in producing acrylic bathtubs. Belform was founded in 1992, has 50 employees today with a production capacity of 60.000 pieces a year. In the year 2004, Belform started the acrylic bathtubs production, and from 2006 was situated on the 3-rd place in the Romanian top producers of this kind of bathtubs and became the first local producer of sheet shower baths and the second local producer of hydro-massage bathtubs.Belform executes a complete scale of products – simple bathtubs, sheet shower baths, hydro-massage tubs, mini-pools.
Metalwerk Plasma SRL
Metalwerk Plasma este o companie românească, orientată spre inovație și excelență. Misiunea noastră este de a oferi confort termic, sustenabilitate și eficiență clienților noștri, prin sistemul de încălzire prin pardoseală Bjorn Heizung. Am apelat la Odoo, după o documentare riguroasă, pentru că ne doream o soluție ERP versatilă, flexibilă și user-friendly. Așteptările noastre au fost îndeplinite de echipa de implementare Odoo, coordonată de Elena și Ioan Lucian Muntean. Mai mult, bogata lor experiență și întrebările bine fundamentate ne-au ajutat să optimizăm anumite procese în cadrul companiei. Recomandăm Odoo tuturor companiilor care își doresc digitalizare, automatizare și un bun control al performanței. – Mihai Maerean, CEO Metalwerk PlasmaProduksi
RMC has been active on the metalworking market since 2005. The company has established itself on the profile market as a job shopper for the LASER CUTTING of metal sheets and pipes in complex outlines, the ABKANT BENDING of the parts cut and their WELDING.The services that they offer are important for the following industries: automotive, automatics, farm equipment and machinery construction, electronics, metal constructions, marketing and advertising, electric engines, interior and street design etc.
Romchim Protect SRL
ROSuntem o societate cu capital privat integral românesc, ce desfașoară activitati de cercetare - producție în domeniul substanțelor chimice speciale, medaliată cu argint și aur la diverse expoziții internaționale.
Activitatea societății este împarțită in 3 divizii :
-AGRICULTURA: ingrasaminte solide complexe hidrosolubile, ingrasaminte foliare, biostimulatori si adjuvanti.
-CONSTRUCTII: ignifuganti, vopsele lavabile, epoxidice , tencuieli decorative, aditivi betoane etc;
-AVIATIE: suntem singurii producatori din România de degivranți pentru aeronave și piste aeroportuare .
Întreaga gamă de produse inventate și fabricate de ROMCHIM PROTECT SRL sunt mărci protejate și înregistrate la OSIM, asigurându-i pe clienții noștri de responsabilitate maximă privind calitatea produselor.
ROMCHIM PROTECT SRL is a company with entirely Romanian private capital, which carries out research - production activities in the field of special chemicals, medaled with silver and gold at various international exhibitions.
The company's activity is divided into 3 divisions:
-AGRICULTURE DIVISION: water-soluble complex solid fertilizers, foliar fertilizers, biostimulators and adjuvants.
-CONSTRUCTIONS DIVISION: fire retardants, paints, epoxy resins, decorative plasters, concrete additives, etc .;
-AVIATION DIVISION: the only manufacturer in Romania of de-icers for aircraft and airport runways.
The entire range of products invented and manufactured by ROMCHIM PROTECT SRL are protected trademarks and registered at OSIM, assuring our customers of maximum responsibility regarding the quality of the products.
ROANCO POLAR este o companie ȋnfiinţată ȋn anul 2015 la Brașov, specializată ȋn instalaţii pentru construcţii, concentrată pe comercializarea, instalarea și punerea ȋn funcţiune a sistemelor frigorifice, de climatizare și ventilație cât și pe asigurarea serviciilor de mentenanţă ȋn perioada de garanţie și post garanţie.
Domeniul de desfașurare al activităţii este unul cu spectru larg ce acoperă sfera de investiții civile, comerciale și industriale. Principalul obiectiv al companiei este acela de a oferi clienților săi servicii complete de ȋnaltă calitate, servicii ce au la bază setul de valori esenţiale ce definesc compania ANCO POLAR: performanţă, fiabilitate, eficienţă.
ANCO POLAR is a company established in 2015 in Brașov, specialized in installations for constructions, focused on the sale, installation, and commissioning of refrigeration, air conditioning, and ventilation systems, as well as providing maintenance services during the warranty and post-warranty period.
The scope of the company's activities covers a wide range of areas, including civil, commercial, and industrial investments. The main objective of the company is to provide its customers with complete high-quality services, based on the essential set of values that define ANCO POLAR: performance, reliability, and efficiency. Produksi
ROANCO POLAR este o companie ȋnfiinţată ȋn anul 2015 la Brașov, specializată ȋn instalaţii pentru construcţii, concentrată pe comercializarea, instalarea și punerea ȋn funcţiune a sistemelor frigorifice, de climatizare și ventilație cât și pe asigurarea serviciilor de mentenanţă ȋn perioada de garanţie și post garanţie.
Domeniul de desfașurare al activităţii este unul cu spectru larg ce acoperă sfera de investiții civile, comerciale și industriale. Principalul obiectiv al companiei este acela de a oferi clienților săi servicii complete de ȋnaltă calitate, servicii ce au la bază setul de valori esenţiale ce definesc compania ANCO POLAR: performanţă, fiabilitate, eficienţă.
ANCO POLAR is a company established in 2015 in Brașov, specialized in installations for constructions, focused on the sale, installation, and commissioning of refrigeration, air conditioning, and ventilation systems, as well as providing maintenance services during the warranty and post-warranty period.
The scope of the company's activities covers a wide range of areas, including civil, commercial, and industrial investments. The main objective of the company is to provide its customers with complete high-quality services, based on the essential set of values that define ANCO POLAR: performance, reliability, and efficiency. Produksi
Stera Chemicals is supplying chemical raw materials for key industries in Romania and Eastern Europe through local and regional hubs. The company’s portfolio lists over 1000 products, serving more than 900 customers and exporting to 9 countries in Europe.Adopting Odoo, Stera Chemicals will manage their entire business from one place, improving their operational flow.
Technoelectric SRL based in Bucharest was founded in 1994 and is a growing company. With an ever-increasing turnover, it has demonstrated that it is a company that aims and manages to keep pace with the changes in the Romanian economic environment, by producing competitive products both on the domestic and foreign markets.The fields of activity are:
Design and manufacture of electrical panels for the actuation and automation of refrigeration systems.
Assembly of electrical automation installations;
Design and production of automation systems for technological processes;
Industrial automation with programmable logic controllers.
Technoelectric's strengths in the fight to win the market are: product quality, prompt service and flexibility in working with business partners.
Total Bolt Solutions S.R.L.
Total Bolt Solutions Ltd (TBS) has provided fastener solutions globally to the OE,OES and After-Market Industries since 2013, and has acquired in-depth knowledge of the automotive sector and client requirements during that time.TBS is so much more than a supplier, we are a provider of solutions to professional automotive buyers globally, delivering a responsive, professional, tailored and personalised service to each of our clients. This is evidenced by our superior levels of repeat business and the partnership approach that we adopt within our business relationships.
Cost-effective, on-time and accurate deliveries are provided as standard. The real value is in our pro-active work with our clients, providing innovative products and service developments to ensure that you receive maximum value from us. Produksi