Openforce srls Unipersonale
Dal 2008 cresciamo insieme ad Odoo.L'esperienza ci ha permesso di implementarlo con successo in diverse tipologie di aziende.
Nel corso degli anni ci siamo specializzati sulla contabilità e sulla fiscalità italiane permettendo ai nostri clienti di stare al passo con le nuove normative.
Il nostro team è composto da figure specializzate che possono fornire consulenza di carattere fiscale e controllo di gestione per integrare la contabilità con i processi aziendali.
I nostri Odoo Specialist vantano svariati anni di esperienza in diversi settori passando dai più canonici quali contabilità, vendite, crm, acquisti e gestione magazzino per arrivare a coprire anche flussi manifatturieri e logistici, gestione dei punti vendita ed e-commerce.
Openforce dispone di un team di sviluppatori pronti ad introdurre nuove funzionalità e app. Anche mobile.
Experiencia, Metodología, Transparencia y Flexibilidad.La mayoría de problemas al implementar un ERPs no se deben a que los empresarios y colaboradores no puedan identificar las necesidades de su propio negocio, priorizarlas, y optimizarlas con tecnología. Se debe a que estas actividades no se realizan con el orden y el enfoque correcto. Entonces, llega un momento en que la cantidad de cambios que se quiere hacer al ERP y a la empresa tienen un costo inmanejable que hace inviable continuar.
Somos una compañía tecnológica especializada en la implantación de sistemas de gestión empresarial. Contamos con un gran equipo humano con más de 30 años de experiencia en la consultoría e implementación de herramientas de sistemas de información para las empresas.Nuestra misión es ayudar a nuestros clientes a encontrar las soluciones tecnológicas óptimas para resolver sus necesidades. Más de 1.200 empresas ya han confiado en nosotros. IT/Komunikasi
Performance Software Integration
Qui sommes-nous ? PSI est une société spécialisée dans l'intégration de solutions IT à forte valeur ajoutée, mettant l'accent sur la plateforme Odoo. Forts de notre expérience et de notre engagement envers l'excellence, nous sommes déterminés à accompagner nos clients à chaque étape de leur parcours vers la transformation numérique.Expertise approfondie : Notre équipe possède une expertise approfondie dans l'accompagnement des entreprises tout au long du processus de mise en œuvre d'Odoo. Depuis l'analyse initiale des besoins jusqu'au déploiement et à la formation, nous assurons une approche holistique pour garantir une intégration transparente et réussie.
Démarche personnalisée : Chez PSI, nous comprenons qu'il n'y a pas de solution unique pour tous. Notre démarche est axée sur la personnalisation, adaptant nos services en fonction des besoins spécifiques de chaque client. Nous croyons en une approche sur mesure pour assurer une intégration fluide et alignée sur les objectifs uniques de chaque entreprise.
Valeurs ajoutées : Notre engagement envers la qualité, l'innovation et la satisfaction client constitue notre valeur ajoutée. Nous nous efforçons d'aller au-delà des attentes en fournissant des solutions intégrées qui non seulement répondent aux besoins opérationnels, mais qui créent également une valeur tangible pour nos clients.
Notre mission : La mission de PSI est de guider nos clients vers le succès numérique en fournissant des solutions IT exceptionnelles. Nous nous engageons à être des partenaires de confiance, offrant un soutien continu pour permettre à nos clients d'atteindre et de dépasser leurs objectifs commerciaux grâce à une utilisation optimale des technologies de pointe.
Besoin d'une démo :
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Spécialisé dans l'intégration de solution de gestion et d'encaissement depuis plus de 20 ans, Phidias met à votre disposition toute son expertise et ses ressources pour vous permettre de répondre efficacement aux nouveaux défis qu'impose le commerce moderne avec les Solutions Odoo.IT/Komunikasi
Piensom S.A.
El equipo de Piensom tiene varios años de experiencia en análisis de negocios, consultoría de gestión e implementaciones de sistemas ERP.Implementamos ODOO para ayudarle a automatizar sus operaciones, aumentar drásticamente la eficiencia y mejorar sus ganancias. Con Odoo podrá administrar y controlar todos sus recursos, incluido el personal móvil, de manera fácil y efectiva. Contamos con un equipo capacitado y comprometido en entregar implementaciones de alta calidad, integrales, que cubran todas sus necesidades.
Plennix Technologies (UAE)
Plennix is an official Odoo partner in UAE, awarded as the Best Odoo MENA partner for 2 consecutive years 2020 and 2021 as well as Odoo Highest Revenue partner in the MENA region for 2022. We're ready to offer tailored solutions that fit your business needs, ensuring smooth integration and optimal performance. IT/KomunikasiPlus Tech Company
Plus Tech company is an Information Technology integrated solution provider located in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh. Plus Tech is an Odoo partner with a mission “to provide best hardware and software solutions to accompany any business need worldwide through certified and highly qualified workforce”. We provide an integrated software systems to help businesses have better insights on their processes. It serves as one of the best and trusted Odoo official partner, providing ultimate Customization and Implementation services in Odoo ERP.Plus Tech company bridges the gap between the unique needs of a business and the appropriate ERP system. Our professional guidance helps people feel safe and secure during the process of implementation, making us as a reliable source of assistance on an on-going basis. We work with our customers across industries to help them answer their exact needs with the lowest cost and the best performance. Also, we help them select the right software and tailor it according to their needs. IT/Komunikasi
Les retours à la ligne semblent impacter le compte des mots affichés. Est-il envisageable de les éliminer, comme ceci :Prelium résulte d'un consortium d'experts métiers certifiés Odoo, favorisant une approche pragmatique et transversale des projets d'implémentation de l'ERP. ✅ Experts pluridisciplinaires et intégrateurs depuis 2020, ✅ Plus de 100 intégrations en France et à l’international, ✅ Interventions dans tous les secteurs : e-commerce, Négoce, Industrie, Services, Points de vente… ✅ Déploiement rapide et personnalisé, ✅ Intégration de solutions tierces comme PrestaShop, logistique, CRM, solutions de paiement… IT/Komunikasi
Prixite LLC
Embark on a journey of innovation and efficiency with Prixite, your trusted Odoo partner in the USA.Data is delicate - One single mess can make your stocks fall! And that is where Prixite comes to the rescue! While Business suits offer comprehensive solutions for diverse business needs, their true potential unfolds with precise implementation. This involves a deep understanding of your business requirements, aligning them with essential features, and seamlessly integrating and tailoring the solution to meet your specific needs.
As a pioneering software development organization, Prixite excels in unraveling the complexities of business suite implementation. We possess the expertise to perfectly comprehend your unique needs and execute seamless implementations that ensure the optimal performance of your Odoo system. IT/Komunikasi
QubiQ 2010, S.L
🏆 BEST ODOO PARTNER EUROPE 2022 🏆🥇 Odoo Gold Partner desde 2019 y ganadores del premio al implantador español con más consultores certificados en Odoo para 2023. Lideramos el camino en la transformación digital con oficinas en 🇪🇸 Barcelona, Madrid, Sevilla, Bilbao y 🇵🇹 Portugal. Contamos con más de 80 consultores expertos y hemos completado más de 300 proyectos exitosos ✅🏆. Nos especializamos en gestionar tu Kit Digital 💵 y complementamos Odoo con herramientas avanzadas de Business Intelligence 📊 para análisis detallados y cuadros de mando, asegurando una toma de decisiones informada y estratégica
Rapsodoo Italia S.r.l.
Rapsodoo is one of the Odoo Europe's leading partner with focus on large and middle enterprises. It is made by a team of senior entrepreneurs and investors with the “crazy dream” to aggregate other younger entrepreneurs and smart talents to build a unique, inspired, focused and funny International group. Rapsodoo has 100+ talents distribuite between Italy, Switzerland, Spain and Germany offices.Rapsodoo è uno dei più importanti partner odoo Europei con un forte focus verso le medie e grandi imprese. E' composto da un team di imprenditori e investitori con importanti esperienze alle spalle, con il "folle progetto" di aggregare altri giovani imprenditori e talenti per costruire un innovativo, unico, ispirato e divertente gruppo internazionale. Rapsodoo ha al momento oltre 100 talenti distribuiti tra Italia, Svizzera, Spagna e Germania. IT/Komunikasi
We believe there is an even better version of itself for every organisation. Using our extensive expertise in supply chain, logistics processes, inventory management, digitalisation and software development, together we take your organisation to the next level.Hoe kunnen we helpen?
As a solution provider, we offer action-oriented advice, tailored to your business. In addition, we develop, configure and implement software to support your processes. With Rezolv at your side, you will take your organization to unprecedented heights. IT/Komunikasi
Smart support has been operating in the Gulf market focusing mostly on business process consulting & helping to make our clients' businesses more efficient. With the fast growth of the ERP industry & technologies, we started to deliver more & more IT solutions to our clients.Smart Support fully focuses on Odoo implementations " we're ready to give you support with both English and Arabic " and related services (cloud hosting including 24/7/365 server monitoring and maintenance, e-mail server handling, business consulting, marketing consulting, post go-live support) IT/Komunikasi
SMART Technology Solutions
Established in 2007, SMART Technology Solutions is headquartered in Saudi Arabia, with additional operations in Egypt and Turkey. We provide comprehensive IT services, enabling businesses to focus on their core operations without the overhead of an internal IT department. IT/Komunikasi
SMT Technology
SMT Company is a leading Saudi company in the field of providing integrated technical services that Through it, we seek to enhance the future of the technology industry in the Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaSMT was established in 2008 with a clear strategy towards achieving sustainability in software development by providing its services with the highest standards of efficiency and effectiveness and specializing and qualifying human cadres to contribute to creating an advanced technological future
With the aim of leadership. IT/Komunikasi
Sostenia is a specialized software company, focused on enhancing business processes through Digital Transformation. As an Odoo Gold Partner we were honored with the Best Starter Europe award in 2022. With a high level of expertise and successful digitalization projects, we offer End-to-End implementation, Business Consultancy for companies of every size or complexity and Process Automation. Our solution portofolio has only top partners:*Odoo and SAP ERP Systems
*UiPath Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
*DRUID Intelligent ChatBots
*ContentSpeed Ecommerce platform
*in-house software development tailored on the clients’ own requirements, such as CRM, TMS, DMS, SKU, WS and BI.
In our projects we were able to successfully integrate Odoo ERP with UiPath Software Robots and DRUID Intelligent ChatBots, creating an automated workflow for our clients.
STeSI Consulting
STeSI studia, insieme ai propri clienti, le migliori soluzioni per automatizzare e gestire al meglio la loro organizzazione. Siamo un team di consulenti e sviluppatori software in grado di seguire a 360° i propri clienti e fornire servizi ad elevato valore aggiunto.STeSI è, inoltre, specializzata nel settore automotive, nella logistica e trasporti dove opera, fianco a fianco, con alcune delle maggiori realtà italiane ed internazionali.