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Odoo Roadshow

The Virtual Roadshow You Shouldn't Miss!

Transforming the future of your business!

This roadshow event is all about growing with powerful tools, Odoo invites business owners, executives, and entrepreneurs to our next event!

Rejoignez-nous et découvrez comment des applications métier intégrées peuvent transformer votre entreprise. Profitez d'un événement de technologie d'entreprise innovant avec des entrepreneurs aux vues similaires et nos experts en produits qui partageront les meilleures pratiques.

What are Odoo Roadshows?

Odoo Roadshows are a series of events all around the world that are organized after the release of a new version of Odoo or the launch of a new application. These events are the perfect opportunity to discover how more than 150,000 businesses around the world have saved time and money with the help of Odoo.

How do I register for this event?

To register, simply click the green button at the top right side of the page.

What is the language of the event?

This presentation will be given in the following language: English


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Date & TIME
mardi 3 novembre 2020
11:00 13:00 (Asia/Kolkata)

Add to Calendar

  • Introduction

    11:00 - 11: 15AM

  • Presentation

    11:15 - 12:45 PM

  • Live Q & A

    12:45 - 01:00 PM



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