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Your Questions, Our Answers: An Open AMA with Odoo Accounting Experts
Functional Accounting Day
Lieu : Auditorium 2000 A - 08/11/2023 17:00 - 08/11/2023 17:30 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
Your Questions, Our Answers: An Open AMA with Odoo Accounting Experts
Wynand Tastenhoye & Benjamin Stiénon
Business Service Manager & Product Owner à Odoo
Wynand Tastenhoye & Benjamin Stiénon
Business Service Manager & Product Owner à Odoo

Wynand started his career at a big four firm in Brussels as an accountant and tax advisor, at which he worked for about 8 years. He joined Odoo in 2018 as a Business Analyst in the Quickstart Consultancy team and launched the collaboration with accounting firms. Together with a dedicated team, he focuses on the roll out of Odoo among accounting firms in multiple countries and contribute to the evolution of the product.

Benjamin Stiénon is a Product Owner at Odoo. His scope covers Accounting, Localizations and Bank Synchronization. In previous positions, he used to be a film producer, business analyst, management controller.... sometimes as an employee, sometimes as a Freelancer. He has been lucky enough to have several lives in one, experimenting with various sectors including performing arts, film, worker cooperatives, residential real estate, IT project management, and so much more!

Do you have any questions about accounting? About the future of our applications? About managing your day-to-day problems? Or would you simply like to have an informal chat on the subject? It is now or never.