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Debugging with a scientific mindset
Developer Community Talk
Lieu : Hall 7.A - 09/11/2023 14:30 - 09/11/2023 15:00 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
Debugging with a scientific mindset
Fayolle Alexandre
Odoo Solution Architect à Camptocamp France SAS
Fayolle Alexandre
Odoo Solution Architect à Camptocamp France SAS

Alexandre has been working with Odoo at Camptocamp since 2012 and OpenERP 6.1. He is a long time Odoo community contributor, and he is passionate about sharing knowledge.

The scientific method has been used for centuries by researchers across the world to acquire knowledge. It starts with an observation, then the formulation of an hypothesis and the design of an experiment which is then conducted and the outcome of the experiment is analyzed, leading to new observations.

This approach can be used very effectively in software development, and there are good chances that you are using it, but maybe you are not aware of it. In this talk, you will learn how to become aware of the different activities you are performing while investigating an issue, and how to use this awareness to better document your investigation in a scientific way, and I will try to show you the the benefits of building such a documentation for your investigations, in terms of reproducibility, debugging efficiency and knowledge sharing.

This talk targets developers, at any level of experience.