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All about Odoo Support - A Customer's Ticket Journey
Lieu : Studio 2 - 07/10/2021 15:00 - 07/10/2021 15:30 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
All about Odoo Support - A Customer's Ticket Journey
Aurore Lesage
Support Manager à Odoo
Aurore Lesage
Support Manager à Odoo

Aurore started her Odoo adventure 9 years ago as an Office Assistant. She worked with each department, but particularly closely with Fabien and the accounting team. Later, she worked as Functional Consultant, implementing Odoo for various companies. After 2 years of being a consultant, we asked her to build and manage the customer service department. It has now been 6 years that she's improving Odoo's customer service at all of our offices around the globe.

In this talk, Aurore, the Support Manager, will explain: 

- How to report an issue:

all about the online support form "www.odoo.com/help"

- How requests are managed:

a detailed description of the different support teams

as well as an explanation  of  the  different stages

- How do you keep track of your requests:

information that you can find on your Odoo Portal Account