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A new way to plan resources for services companies
Demo Functional
Lieu : Studio 4 - 06/10/2021 16:30 - 06/10/2021 17:00 (Europe/Brussels) (30 minutes)
A new way to plan resources for services companies
Raluca Maria Veliciu
Business Analyst à Odoo
Raluca Maria Veliciu
Business Analyst à Odoo

Raluca Maria Veliciu is Business Analyst in our Odoo office in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium and has joined the Business Services team in 2020.

Covering different projects across Europe, she has been able to enable the transformation and help improving enterprises by providing relevant capabilities, assets, processes, and tools to a broad range of customers.

Passionate about technology, her main goal is to deliver top-notch and simple tailored tech solutions to enable the digital transition for all the companies.

Being able to manage your projects and assign the available resources correctly is vital for the success of the company and for respecting the deadlines with your customers. Having to handle all that manually can be time-consuming and can lead to significant mistakes.

In this talk, you will discover how Odoo can improve your processes by allowing you to sell your services, assign the available employees and machines to your projects and anticipate risks and issues that could arise later with an integrated out-of-the-box solution.