Protea Co.Ltd

Protea Co.Ltd

Protea has been active in the Japanese clinic and salon market for 30 years. Protea develops and distributes skincare, beauty, health and fitness products and related solutions. The business has undergone a rapid digital integration program that enabled a pivot from a wholesale to omni-channel model, facilitating record growth during the coronavirus pandemic. Protea is since named one of the Top 500 High-Growth Companies in Asia-Pacific in 2021 and 2022.
Port Cities assisted Protea Japan with an ERP system for its Japanese branch in order to manage Sales, Purchase, Inventory and Accounting Operations.

Port Citiesは、Protea Japanの日本支店が営業、仕入れ、在庫、および会計業務を管理するためにERPシステムの導入を支援しました。