HES-SO Fribourg
La HES-SO Fribourg se compose de quatre écoles : la Haute Ecole de Travail Social HETS, la Haute Ecole d’Ingénierie et d’Architecture HEIA, la Haute Ecole de Gestion HEG et la Haute Ecole de Santé HEdS. Le service informatique chapeaute l’informatique de ces quatre écoles et utilise Odoo pour la gestion du budget et de l’inventaire du matériel IT, des logiciels et des licences en utilisant la fonctionnalité de l’e-Shop pour faire les commandes.En parallèle, la filière chimie de l’HEIA utilise également Odoo pour gérer les stocks de produits chimiques mis à disposition aux élèves et collaborateurs de la filière via un e-Shop afin d’avoir un inventaire précis et une reprise de valeurs sécurisées et correctes grâce à l’utilisation du module IoT.
The HES-SO Fribourg includes four schools: the School of Social Work HETS, the School of Engineering and Architecture HEIA, the School of Management HEG and the School of Health Sciences HEdS. The IT department is in charge of the IT of these four schools and uses Odoo for the management of the budget and the inventory of IT hardware, software and licenses by using the e-Shop functionality to place orders.
In parallel, the chemistry department of HEIA also uses Odoo to manage the stocks of chemical products made available to the students and collaborators of the department via an e-Shop in order to have an accurate inventory and a secure and correct recovery of values through the use of the IoT module.
HINT d.o.o
https://www.hint.rs/Talent Assessment- Transform your organization with our software and obtain end-to-end measurement for comprehensive talent management.
Training & Coaching - Support your people's growth in a systematic and continuos way, as they will lead your organization to success and desired profits.
Consulting -Accelerate your productivity by establishing effective business processes for your people and organization. Éducation
HNI - Management & Administration Training
Industry: Professional DevelopmentWebsite: https://hni.ae/
Established in 2010, HNI Training & Coaching has significantly advanced from its origins to serve various international markets.
HNI Training & Coaching specializes in professional development, HNI serves markets across the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Egypt, and more. HNI is dedicated to providing high-impact training and coaching services that help organizations and individuals achieve their goals.
As HNI expanded its reach across multiple international markets, it confronted operational challenges inherent in the training and coaching industry. These challenges encompassed aspects of curriculum development, training delivery logistics, and ensuring consistent quality across diverse markets. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive solution to address these challenges and maintain operational excellence, HNI proactively pursued a digital transformation.
Following thorough evaluation, HNI strategically partnered with Cloudmen, a leading expert in digital transformation for businesses. Harnessing the expertise of Cloudmen's business advisors, HNI was introduced to innovative solutions and the dynamic capabilities of technology. The strategic implementation of these solutions seamlessly addressed challenges, ensuring streamlined operations, efficient training delivery, and enhanced performance across all services offered by HNI.
This transformative collaboration not only solidified HNI's standing in the professional development market but also empowered the company to consistently deliver exceptional services, meeting the diverse needs of clients across various international markets.
Haute Ecole Albert JACQUARD
L'école des formations aux métiers de demain en économie, infographie, pédagogie et paramédical.L’objectif du déploiement d’Odoo est d’intégrer la comptabilité dans un logiciel multisociétés avec gestion des budgets et engagements, et dans le futur de déployer un portail élèves, le tout à moindre coût.
Modules utilisés : Comptabilité, Achats, Documents.
Sur Odoo depuis 2022.
Haute école de gestion de Genève
Located in the heart of Europe, the Haute école de gestion de Genève (HEG-Genève) is a member of the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO).With academic programs in Information Science, Business Administration, Information Systems and International Business Management, HEG-Geneva has a regional and international dimension opening broad perspectives. The school is strongly driven by a culture of innovation, sustainable development and multiculturalism.
Hazara University
Hazara University is a multi-disciplinary public sector university at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) having number of affiliated colleges. We have successfully implemented over own developed Odoo based Campus Management solution for Student Life Cycle (SDLC) management and Enterprise Resource plan (ERP) solutions to automate the university functions. ÉducationHealth Awareness and Education Center
Was established in 2009 with an aim to supports public health education and promotion by raising awareness with respect to health issues and wellbeing. Today HAEC serves as a leading platform to provide development training, research, event organizing and consultancy in health and medical field.HAEC strategies are designed to extend academic health resources, provide information and support for community providers, influence health professions education and the future health professional work force, training the health professionals and advising on health policies, through partnership with healthcare systems, schools, community-based organizations and more.
Location : Chwar Chra Main Street | Sulaimani | Iraq Éducation
Heya Education
HEYA is an international education center offering an alternative to traditional schooling and homeschooling especially for gifted and talented children. They offer transcripts, certifications, and diplomas through world renowned institutions and provide advanced-level academics and specialization for primary and secondary students.Heya Education chose Odoo to further digitize and optimize their administration, student registration and appointment scheduling. The chosen modules include CRM, Sales, Invoicing, Appointment Scheduling, Email marketing, Marketing Automation, Social marketing, Subscriptions and the Whatsapp integration. Éducation
Higher Educational Institute for Engineering
The Higher Institute of Engineering in the city of May 15th is affiliated to the Culture, Science and Educational Services Foundation. It is established by Ministerial Decree No. 4666 for the year 2000. The Institute is one of the Foundation’s activities.* The Higher Institute of Engineering was established in May 15, 2002 by Ministerial Resolution No. 844 dated 9/6/2002 issued by Prof. Dr., Minister of Higher Education Éducation
Higher Institute Of Administrative Sciences
المعهد العالي للعلوم الإدارية بأوسيم يقع على طريق كورنيش الوراق – المناشى ، مركز أوسيم ، محافظة الجيزةبدأ المعهد عمله باسم – المعهد العالي لإدارة المنشآت الصناعية بأوسيم – بموجب القرار الوزاري رقم 563 بتاريخ 1/4/2009 ،وتم تعديل الاسم ليصبح – المعهد العالي للعلوم الادارية بأوسيم – بموجب القرار الوزاري رقم 1901 لسنة 2012
المعهد يقع على مقربة من عدد كبير من القرى بمحافظتي الجيزة والقليوبية ويصل إلية عدد كبير من المواصلات العامة وكذلك قطار المناشى ( الذى يصل بين ميدان رمسيس ومحافظة البحيرة ) ، ويتمتع المعهد بمناخ صحى ممتاز لقربه الشديد من نهر النيل العظيم ولوجود مساحات خضراء واسعه حوله تتمثل في القرى المحيطة به
المعهد يقدم خدمه تعليميه جامعيه للمناطق القريبة منه لعدم وجود معاهد آخري قريبه منه مما يسهل لأهالي المناطق المحيطة به إلحاق أبنائهم لاستكمال تعليمهم الجامعي ونشر العملية التعليمية
للمعهد لائحة داخلية تتضمن الخطة الدراسية والمحتوى العلمي لها ، وقد صدر القرار الوزاري رقم 409 بتاريخ 21/2/2011 بإعتماد هذه اللائحة
المعهد يؤجل التجنيد للطلاب الذكور بموجب قرار القائد العام للقوات المسلحة وزير الدفاع والانتاج الحربى رقم (409) لسنة 2011 والقرار رقم (176) لسنة 2013
للمعهد لائحة إدارية معتمدة من مجلس إدارة المعهد
المعهد يقدم لطلابه كافة الأنشطة الرياضية والاجتماعية والثقافية داخل المعهد ويشارك في جميع هذه الأنشطة مع المعاهد الأخرى من خلال وزارة التعليم العالي ويتم تقديم جوائز قيمه وشهادات تقدير للطلاب الفائزين
يقوم بالتدريس بالمعهد نخبه من أفضل الأساتذة المتخصصين بالجامعات المصرية سواء بالتعيين أو الإعارة الكاملة أو الانتداب
المعهد يمنح بكالوريوس التجارة المعتمدة من وزارة التعليم العالي فى التخصصات الأتية
يتم تأهيل خريج المعهد للعمل في المجالات الآتية
العمل في المؤسسات المالية والبنكية
إدارة المشروعات التجارية والاستثمارية بأنواعها
العمل في الجهات الحكومية والخاصة
تعيين المتفوقين منهم بالمعهد بوظيفة معيد
استكمال الدراسات العليا والحصول على الماجستير والدكتوراه من إحدى الجامعات المصرية
I Learn, A NasJO for Training Initiative
'I Learn' is a non-profit initiative that employs a community-based approach to empower youth and children in disenfranchised communities. Through informal education, youth volunteerism, and partnerships they seek to establish safe spaces in rural areas of Jordan that encourage innovation, intellectual growth, and critical thinking.'I Learn' believes that a long-term strategy for community development is best found in the community itself. By initiating local young volunteers into their framework, they are able to establish themselves in disenfranchised communities and reach out to local educators and role models. In turn, the local network of leaders is trained in their methodology of informal education and psycho-social support for children in particular. Éducation
IF Executives - Edições e Formação, S.A.
Sector: Serviços de formação e consultoriaLocalização: Lisboa
A IFE é a filial portuguesa do Grupo ABILWAYS. Em Portugal desde 1998, a ABILWAYS é uma empresa europeia especializada no desenvolvimento de competências e soluções de aprendizagem.
A sua principal necessidade de gestão depreende-se com a integração de sistemas. O Odoo é assim a ferramenta perfeita para oferecer esta integração multi-nivel e multi-app. Integração das vendas com as operações nos projetos e faturação e contabilidade são os pontos críticos da gestão diária, assim como, necessidades de reporting.Numa segunda fase, o Odoo irá ajudar na integração entre website e landing pages com a gestão de eventos de formação oferecida pela IFE.
IFE (Institut Francais Egypte)
The French Institute in Egypt is the heir to the great tradition of cooperation between Egypt and France and a major player in the bonds of friendship between the French and Egyptian people. Its action is part of the Cultural, Technical and Scientific Cooperation Agreement of 1968.MISSIONS OF THE FRENCH INSTITUTE IN EGYPT
The French Institute in Egypt is thus a service of the French Embassy in Egypt.
Its missions are:
to contribute to the broadcasting of French culture, language and expertise in Egypt
to strengthen cooperation between Egypt and France in all areas Éducation