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2 Replies

Hello, I think there is a problem with french accounting ? because... when I tried with swiss accounting everything work well without this message :

"User Error! There is no default credit account defined on journal "Opening Entries Journal".

swiss version add automaticaly two lines in more. one for credit and another one for debit. the first line had already a default account (299000 Bénéfice reporté / Perte reportée) and same thing for the two others added by openerp. I verified and apparently It's the good account for the swiss accounting but for me it's more like : 101000 CAPITAL 512000 BANQUE It's like that for the opening journal in others accounting software I've tried. What I've missed ?

Thank you in advance !

Best Answer

I have the same (?) problem with belgian accounting. When I try to generate opening entries, a similar message occured :

"User Error!

The journal must have default credit and debit account."

I use the "Opening Entries Journal", with "790000 Bénéfice reporté de l'exercice précédent" for "Profit Account" and "690000 Perte reportée de l'exercice précédent" for "Loss Account". Both account are of right type (deferral method = none). Nothing seems to be bad.

I've find a solution for myself, editing tables directly. The table 'account_journal' have quite similar fields :





It seems that my journal didn't had entries in both "default_*" fields. I entered them 'a la mano' and everything run smoothly after.

I don't know the difference between default_credit_account_id and profit_account_id , and I don't know witch fields are modified by the journal config view : I didn't search further for trhe moment.

Best Answer

Like Vincent reply is just a workaround: I create a module that let visible the 2 fields that we need, this is the XML of the view:

<record id="view_account_journal_form_visible_default" model="ir.ui.view"> <field name="name">Journal visible default</field> <field name="model">account.journal</field> <field name="inherit_id" ref="account.view_account_journal_form"/> <field name="arch" type="xml"> <field name="group_invoice_lines" position="after"> <field name="default_debit_account_id" attrs="{'required':[('type','in', ('cash', 'bank'))]}" domain="[('type','<>','view'),('type','<>','consolidation')]"/> <field name="default_credit_account_id" attrs="{'required':[('type','in',('cash', 'bank'))]}" domain="[('type','<>','view'),('type','<>','consolidation')]"/> </field>
</field> </record>
