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According to

Product Cost

Compute the cost of products based on their BoM in mass directly from the product list view.

I have set my category costing method to FIFO and Automated Evaluation. After producing a Products it's stock value is just taken from the "Cost" field instead of the BoM. And if the Cost is 0 the MO is stuck with the message:

The cost of ... is currently equal to 0. Change the cost or the configuration of your 
product to avoid an incorrect valuation.
I want to have the correct stock value of my product taken from BoM during production

Best Answer

Two things that can help you:

1) The mass computing of Product Costs needs to be run on an ad-hoc basic by users, but is only needed when you use the STANDARD costing method. It is not needed with FIFO or AVERAGE costing, since Odoo will automatically update product costs for you.

2) The Product Cost field as seen on the product record acts differently under FIFO. You can see the actual product cost in your Inventory Valuation report. The product cost on the product will not receive a value until you remove a unit of the product from stock and will stay at $0 until you do so.  The way to think of product cost on the product record under FIFO is "the cost of the last product delivered".

Once you deliver an item you have manufactured, you will see a cost in the Product Cost field on the product record - and it will represent the cost of the last unit removed from stock.

For components, removing from stock means consume in a Manufacturing Order.  You won't see a value in the Product Cost field for those products either, until they are consumed.

If this isn't working for you, review your configuration - including the valuation and costing on all of your components.  I am guessing one or more of your components is setup with standard cost and has a cost price of 0.

Standard Cost in Odoo means "Odoo is no longer being asked to maintain this field - the user will do that and make sure all values are non-zero".


I just want to specify that module "Product Extension: Compute cost from BoM" must be installed, to enable computing product cost from BoM.

Author Best Answer

I have BoM and the report calculates the cost well:

Now since I have 0 stock of the final product it's cost is 0 and when trying to proceed an MO the operation is stuck at the last stage (Mark as Done) with error:

The final product and all the ingredients are in a category which is set as:

Now I modify the category to Manual Valuation in order to set a cost of 1 to the final product and then change back to Automated. I can finish the MO. Then looking at the Inventory Valuation Report I see this:

The 1 unit I just produced is there and the value is NOT calculated from the BoM (like on the BoM cost structure) but is just copied from the Cost field.

I am aware that the cost field will reflect the cost of the last inventory move of this product but this is not the problem. After selling this one unit the cost i still the same.

Best Answer

the module is working fine with me when it comes to calculating the product cost from the bom, but i can see that that the normal journal entries are created from the bom components but it doesn't create journal entries for the manufactured product. is there a way to do that?
